Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Undomesticated: She Had No Remorse


She Had No Remorse

A small Nebraska town is terrorized by a serial killer who targets young “good” girls. The prime suspect disappears and may have himself become someone else’s victim. 
Warren Steelgrave has just written a best-selling novel and gained further nationwide notoriety when he narrowly escaped being murdered at his daughter’s wedding. The local Nebraska town newspaper hires Warren as an investigative reporter because of his unique insights and his uncanny instinct for finding the truth. More papers will be sold and more eyes will be focused on the town’s plight.
In this third novel in the Steelgrave series, author and photographer Gary Smith takes us another thought provoking journey with surprising twists and suspense filled alleyways. Smith’s alter ego, Warren Steelgrave, explores the psyche of an “undomesticated” killer who acts without remorse. Warren soon realizes that he shares many traits with the killer. It is a fine line that makes his own “willingness” to do what is necessary actually be socially acceptable. 
Warren’s romantic kindred spirit, Cindy O’Brien, has been living her life separate; writing songs and performing them across the country. She suddenly joins Warren in Nebraska to escape a deadly stalker. The readers of Smith’s first two books know that Warren will never leave that “stone unturned”.
The varied character plots intertwine as the story unfolds. The reader is challenged to confront their own human nature and how they might react given a challenge outside their moral comfort zone. This latest adventure has an ending that won’t be decided by a jury.

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