Wednesday, September 30, 2020

A Master is Born


The Seam between this world and the next, just ripped...

A mysterious and ferocious blight has been unleashed upon Prim Ordal, rapidly transforming living things everywhere into deathly perversions of themselves. As the darkness unfolds, Roscoe Coats - a hunter without a past - seeks the impossible.

A power. A mastery, foretold by legend and forgotten by man.

Now, coveted by a legion undead and surrounded by powerful magites, Roscoe must face the quest of his life. In a world where magic is despised and destroyed, he might just harbor the rarest of all...

The clock is ticking. The blight is spreading, and everywhere the magites go, the shadows seem to follow. Can the young Master rise before the Nether consumes?

Or are some gifts too good to be true?

A Master Is Born is available for free download at: 

Firth's Chasm

On a good day,any sane person could never imagine what it would feel like to be on a doomed crashing jetliner, much less live to tell the tale.
A combination of fiction and non-fiction, impossible to tell which, this is the story of one man that lives to tell the experience as the jetliner starts breaking apart at the arctic circle above Canada.
Living through the experience is horrendous enough by itself but when Travis James realizes that his life is thought to be forfeited in the wreckage and there is no help coming? He goes into survival mode as his damaged body wreaks havoc and keeps him trapped in the wilderness, keeping him from traveling south to safety.
A man of means, aching to return to his family that believes he is dead is the driving force that pushes a man to the limits and beyond of his ability as the unfriendly terrain takes it's toll.
When the push south finally begins, the trail is littered with agony and death as the civilized world refuses to acknowledge that there were any survivors or that he is anything other than a homeless man.
A disfigured Travis is constantly trying to decide whether to join his family, knowing he no longer looks quite the same, or to wander off into the sunset and save his family more grief.
Some names have been changed to protect the innocent

Watch the Video Below to get a Feel for the book

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

I Need Answers

Whether you are just beginning your journey into the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church or have long been a member but are looking for answers to your questions about the church, "I Need Answers" is for you. Although the answers are gathered from Church fathers and holy books, the style of writing provides clear answers to complicated questions. The past few years the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church has seen her youth leaving in mass numbers. Why? Mainly because the youth cannot get understandable answers to their questions. The Church uses Amharic as its primary language and Ge’ez as the liturgical, preventing young people born in America from being able to understand the worship or teaching of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church.. Deacon Dawit Muluneh, who has traveled around the United States teaching and preaching during the last decade, has gathered the most frequently asked questions and provided answers in a way that can be understood by the youth. Each chapter focuses on a particular question, addressing central themes of Christianity and teaching about the uniqueness of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. It also addresses issues specific to young adults like spiritual dating and depression and more controversial issues like homosexuality in the context of the church.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Malik and the Magnificent Glowing Light

Malik and the Magnificent Glowing Light

Malik loves to spend time with his father. As a construction worker, his dad is often busy. But one afternoon, Malik and his father find time to build a great science project.

Malik and the Magnificent Glowing Light

Sunday, September 27, 2020

A Child's Guide to Wisdom

Wisdom is one of the greatest qualities that any human being can possess. Through this most desirable attribute, we are able to live happy, healthy, and successful lives. Generally, we do not learn wisdom until we are well along in years. Unfortunately, for many of us, the delay in attaining wisdom can be costly and can often limit our opportunities to achieve our fullest potential. However, this need not be the case when it comes to your children and grandchildren. If you are willing to take an active role in the transferal of wisdom to them at an early age, they can have access to all the wonderful blessings that result from possessing this highly coveted attribute.
 A Child’s Guide to Wisdom was designed to serve as a guide for parents in the transferal of wisdom to their children. This book offers a collection of 50 key principles in the form of easy-to-remember, common-sense-based definitions, intended to build character in a child by instilling in him or her important qualities that will result in a life of wisdom and success.
Even before the child is able to read on his own, exposure to the principles in this book through oral repetition, can provide tremendous benefit in the early shaping and development of the child’s character. For the older student, the book offers the parent or guardian a compensation system that may be used to motivate the reader to learn the principles.

It's a book for parents with kids and grandparents with grand kids. it's to teach kids about being wise. using 50 principles that the kids should learn and apply to their lives. it's teaching your child to act the right way and follow rules that apply to everyday life for everyone.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Black Athlete White Athlete

Black Athlete White Athlete: 

Mental Strength: Winning The Battle That Others Don't See Now And In The Future

Build Up Your Mental Strength

Black Athlete White Athlete is a thought provoking and insightful book that helps individuals clearly understand the situations that they are currently experiencing. This book provides solutions to overcome challenges in the various areas of life. This book also helps to enlighten, inspire, and nurture the daily tasks needed for mental stability now and in the future.

After reading the book Black Athlete White Athlete, you will be able to:

Design a plan for overcoming obstacles that are currently in your path
Recognize what it truly is that you need to do to be successful and find peace
Secure a foundation of love and giving

David Smith is an entrepreneur, author, and college instructor. He is the founder of the product B180 Basketball Fundamental Skills Program. Smith is the author of Answers to the Struggles of Life, Champion's Vision, Sports Entrepreneur, Basketball Diet, and Black Athlete White Athlete. He is a talented writer and thinker that inspires individuals from all walks of life.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Quarter Percent

It is summer 2030. Truth is the weapon and profit is the territory. Over thirteen intense days, combatants wage war, wielding influence and prestige. Behind the screens, wealthy recluse Marvin Stone has unimaginable power and rewrites the rules of the game. As the rules change, a former fashionista struggles to adjust. On the continent, the popular and charismatic King Cordial of Vale works covertly to undermine his rivals. His youngest daughter, Costmary, is in the cross-hairs. Rue, his older daughter, takes on an exciting new challenge and Gala, Cordial's first-born, when she is named Princess Regent, forges new ties and unveils her master plan.

5.0 out of 5 stars An interesting and unique read!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on August 19, 2020
This book is science fiction like I have never seen it before! It is a thrilling mix of mystery, politics, and the human psyche all rolled into one. It is based on the incredibly complex and brilliant algorithms developed by a wealthy business owner, Marvin Stone, and how he uses them to rewrite the rules of the game. We then get to see the results of these changes unfold, and how the character’s lives are affected.

Reviewed in the United States on August 5, 2020

Saturday, September 19, 2020

You Are Perfectly Flawed... and Rarer than any Diamond!

You Are Perfectly Flawed...

and Rarer than any Diamond!

Do you find yourself struggling with your self worth? Do you find yourself struggling with perfection or lack of perfection? Do you feel labeled and judged because of the labels that someone put on you or you put on yourself? Do you compare yourself to others and feel unloved? Do you find that your past is reliving in your present? Do you feel like you don't make a difference in the big picture? You will be given tools on how to make the past, stay in the past. You will be given new light on the beautiful rarity that you are and your connection to the big picture of the world. You will learn what you have in common with diamonds. You were meant to shine too! Isn't it about time that you ROCK your life, instead of your life ROCKING YOU?

Divine Unity: A collection of love poems and notes for my divine masculine

Divine Unity:

A collection of love poems and notes 

for my divine masculine

Anchored in love is the unaltered and unwavering love of self. It is only then can one experience a true Divine Unity. Expressions of self-love are often misconstrued as being selfish, when, in reality self-Love is a very selfless and much needed practice. For how can one truly love anyone or anything else without first coming into love and appreciation of self? ‘Divine Unity, Anchored in Love,” will resonate with any and every one that has dared to love through the freedom of no expectations. This love is known as an unconditional love and unconditional love never dies. Be inspired.

About the Author
Author of “Surviving the Narc,” and Intuitive Life Coach, Althisha Matthews has created another wonderful work of art to help heal and inspire mankind with her gifts. A native of Atlanta, Georgia, she continues her work through philanthropy and her 12 Step adolescence program for pre-teenage girls entitled “C.R.O.W.N Her?”, which encourages young women to embrace femininity and challenge them to reshape learned patterns of social norm, while accepting and living their individual truth. Althisha currently resides with her family and enjoys volunteer work in her spare time.

In her own words...
Inspired by divine creativity, I have comprised the following collective pieces of art in totality of 5 hours. Taking the time for deep and soulful self-exploration has allowed me to gather a better understanding of my own personal journey in love. I trust my experiences and my work will ignite your passion, creativity and provide some possible insight for your own journey in love. Many blessings and patience be upon you in love and light.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Wear the Damn Mask

From the feisty and fabulous “Joan Rivers of the pet influencer community” (Paper Magazine), beloved social media star and canine fashion icon Izzy the Frenchie wittily explains why it’s so important we all wear face masks to battle COVID-19. 

French bulldog and doggy celebrity Izzy loves going out and about just like the rest of us, but she also knows how important it is to be stylish and safe. In Wear the Damn Mask, the four-legged “sassy fashion lover” (Vogue) shows how you can effortlessly be both.

Featuring endearing and funny photos of Izzy accompanied by cheeky words of wisdom on when to wear your mask and how to properly social distance, Wear the Damn Mask is a laugh-out-loud, clever read that will help prevent COVID-19 from literally going to the dogs.

What I Saw At The Lodge

A story of three lifelong friends discovering an unimaginable truth about the leaders of their community. Join Nolan, Zami, and Stash as they attempt to expose what they’ve learned, to the people of Bresidia….

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Marriage Material: How I Found My Husband

Marriage Material: How I Found My Husband 

This book, Marriage Material: How I Found my Husband, is the story of how two very different souls found themselves and fell in love. Chronicled through the pages is the long, often tortured journey of Deisy and Keith and how they overcame adversity to forge a new life together. One question that it definitely answers is that, indeed, opposites do attract!

The book touches on the challenges faced by the author as she journeyed towards love. She narrates how she found the person destined for her in a place where she least expected to see him. The Dominican-born esthetics expert and writer also touches on how difficult it truly is to be away from loved ones, especially during very special moments in life. She got married without any of the most important people in her life, and draws a parallel with the current pandemic situation affecting so many planned weddings.

Moreover, her book delves deeper into love, relationships, and marriage. She takes pride in the fact that she and her husband have been successful at keeping their love alive through never-ending hard work while building a successful spa business in Los Angeles. Through her book, Deisy shares some of the lessons that she has learned from dating, life, love, and from her own marriage.

So, for the doubters or cynics of love - or for those who say “I’ll never find the right person” - this book provides plenty of hope. For those fearful of taking that next step forward, a reading of this book illustrates how risk-taking can pay dividends. And for those stuck in unfulfilling relationships, it illustrates how years of chronic domestic mental abuse can take its toll when unrecognized and untreated.

Light In Mamako

This is the story of a town and its people who lacked the basic necessities of life, such as electricity. But they stayed hopeful, helpful, and kind to one another. Everything they lacked in basic amenities, they shared in the forms of love, kindness, and hospitality.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Chronicles of the Byzantine Empire, The Phoenix Reborn

Chronicles of the Byzantine Empire, 

The Phoenix Reborn

The year is 1071, and following a disaster upon the fields of Manzikert, the Roman Empire finds itself in an existential crisis. The rightful emperor, Romanos IV Diogenes, has been overthrown, and his ambitious military general, Michael Ducas, rules in his stead.

Nobles raise their flags in open rebellion against the state, and foreign powers vie to crush the Empire.

Thus begins the chronicle of Anil, the time traveler, and his partner, the spirit of the sword, to prevent the dissolution of a thousand-year-old empire.

THE PHOENIX REBORN captures the voices the Byzantine Empire and it’s Middle Eastern and Mediterranean neighbors in the late 11th century.




Negative energy: the enemy that millions of people succumb to, eventually wasting their valuable time focusing on irrelevant things, and in the end, hurting themselves the most. Many have attempted to avoid this negative energy; however, to do so, it is essential to understand why it's in our lives. This book is a guide on how to properly focus on positive, productive, and profitable issues that matter the most.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Undomesticated: She Had No Remorse


She Had No Remorse

A small Nebraska town is terrorized by a serial killer who targets young “good” girls. The prime suspect disappears and may have himself become someone else’s victim. 
Warren Steelgrave has just written a best-selling novel and gained further nationwide notoriety when he narrowly escaped being murdered at his daughter’s wedding. The local Nebraska town newspaper hires Warren as an investigative reporter because of his unique insights and his uncanny instinct for finding the truth. More papers will be sold and more eyes will be focused on the town’s plight.
In this third novel in the Steelgrave series, author and photographer Gary Smith takes us another thought provoking journey with surprising twists and suspense filled alleyways. Smith’s alter ego, Warren Steelgrave, explores the psyche of an “undomesticated” killer who acts without remorse. Warren soon realizes that he shares many traits with the killer. It is a fine line that makes his own “willingness” to do what is necessary actually be socially acceptable. 
Warren’s romantic kindred spirit, Cindy O’Brien, has been living her life separate; writing songs and performing them across the country. She suddenly joins Warren in Nebraska to escape a deadly stalker. The readers of Smith’s first two books know that Warren will never leave that “stone unturned”.
The varied character plots intertwine as the story unfolds. The reader is challenged to confront their own human nature and how they might react given a challenge outside their moral comfort zone. This latest adventure has an ending that won’t be decided by a jury.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Dark Matter: Terion

Dark Matter: Terion 

Incredible accidents shake the peaceful, space-faring society of Terion, one of them almost destroying Karuq's freighter, but how is his cargo involved? Karuq struggles to re-evaluate his life in the face of tragedy, and when his pack is endangered, will he follow his heart or his brain?

Meanwhile, Reece, an investigator in a human research facility, is about to stumble upon a secret that will change his view of humanity and the universe forever.

An ancient rivalry, alien planets, and new friends all shape this galaxy-spanning action adventure.

Interactive Word Search: Puzzles with Fun Facts, Trivia & Challenges for Adults

  Interactive Word Search: Puzzles with Fun Facts, Trivia & Challenges for Adults Interactive Word Search: A Fun & Engaging Puzzle ...