Monday, December 7, 2020

Christmas In a Time of Pandemic


As we find ourselves in the most impactful viral outbreak in several decades, how best to navigate the holidays? The encouraging news is that we can: using known safeguards and adapting our holiday behaviors to the 'new normal'. "Christmas in the Time of Pandemic: Rejoicing in Health, Tradition and Promise" explores the current situation and known safeguards and puts them into holiday practice. We know enough today that we needn't merely 'survive' find ways to thrive in the holiday season. We look at the latest technologies to stay together virtually, and enable you to do more and better with your family and friends. We will look at immunity boosting supplements, super foods and tie them to traditional foods of the season. We will create memories, share them and make new ones - despite what goes on around us. "Christmas in the Time of Pandemic: Rejoicing in Health, Tradition and Promise" encourages you to maintain your health, both physical and mental, and likewise encourages charity and (safe) caregiving for others.

Click here to get Christmas in a Time of Pandemic

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