Monday, January 11, 2021

you Know My NAME But Not My Story


You Know My NAME But Not My STORY

My name is Lucky Lou. I am named after my father. I grew up with four siblings in a home with a mother and father. You would think that growing up with both parents, I would turn out good, but I'm here to tell you, that's a myth and far from the truth. See, my father was a street man, while my mother was far from the streets. My father was busy teaching me things while my mother was trying to keep me far from them. 

Living in that environment, I received many beatings from my mother while my father fed my desire for the street.  

Now I'm 32 years old, handicapped, and searching for an understanding of what to do with my life as it is now.  

Living your life behind bars is the same as not having a life at all. After reading my book, you will see that life in prison is not fun, and not being able to see your family is the worst thing ever.

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