Sunday, February 28, 2021

Salvaging Civilization


Salvaging Civilization: 

Uniting America with Christian Values

By now most Americans realize that our Republic is in crisis, countered by Donald Trump and 74 million voters. The challenge is (1) comprehending the danger; (2) identifying what is necessary to reverse it; and (3) providing effective plans to accomplish that goal. Those answers are the theme of this book.

How will we unite? Our Republic is rooted in Christian values but Christians are declining in America; many are atheists or in-between. From theology, Dr. Mike explains that atheists and Christians are essentially compatible, everyone united by common values. 

Dr. Mike refutes the obsession with racism and slavery, quoting the slaves themselves. He proves that Jefferson and the founders of the Republic were their heroes, not oppressors. 

He then exposes the dysfunction and irrationality of communism and reveals how it has permeated America. Drawing from scripture, he contrasts communism with universal values that can restore our civilized way of life. 

Most important, then he outlines plans to salvage civilization and our Republic. This is a call to action.

Author: Dr. Edward J. Mike Publisher: Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc. About the Author: At a young age, Dr. Edward Mike determined to dedicate his life to promote Christian values as a Catholic priest. Following four years studying languages and philosophy, he was chosen to be among a small group of American seminarians who are selected annually to live at the North American College in Rome and study at the renowned Pontificia Università Gregoriana, taught by the top Jesuit theologians. 

But he was traumatized to discover that the Vatican is a corrupt business with little in common with the Christian values he had dedicated his life to promote. The idealists in the group banded together to survive emotionally. He graduated with honors and strove to be an exemplary Christian, serving his fellow man.

As a parish priest, beside typical church duties, he became a much sought-after counselor of the parishioners, with referrals from attorneys and physicians as well. Fluent in Spanish, in the summer he ministered to the (legal) Mexican migrant farm workers who flooded northern Michigan to harvest cherries and other crops. He was the court translator and said Mass in barns. 

Increasingly, Dr. Mike's values clashed with church practices until he concluded that, to maintain his integrity, he had to move away from organized religion. His success as a counselor led him to a PhD in Clinical Psychology, and he was soon in great demand as a psychotherapist.

Recently, responding to the need of a rural hospital for a neuropsychologist, he was soon in great demand to provide physicians in a wide catchment area with neuropsychological assessment, primarily of patients brain-damaged in accidents or suspected of dementia. 

Dr. Mike lives with his marvelous wife in Michigan and the couple has two daughters. 

Saturday, February 27, 2021



How can you stop the flashbacks, the memories that haunt you both day and night?
On the brink of womanhood, Alicia changed the day her family was murdered.
What is the difference between a murderer, an assassin, or a soldier?
Is revenge a sort of madness?  

These are the questions Alicia finds herself asking every morning until she falls in love.

Can love save her? Save her future.

However, the bloody past cannot always be left behind even if you want it to…..

Friday, February 26, 2021

Magick from Chaos to Clarity


Magick is all around us all the time!

This book is about bringing your magickal knowledge out of chaos and into the clarity, to make sure you know how to use it to the full potential.

Before you start telling me that I spelled Magick wrong, don’t. When you spell Magick with a “k” on the end you speak about magick in the actual correct way. Magic without the “k” refers to acts of illusion, like pulling a rabbit out fo a house or making a car disappear. Magick with a “k” is about creating good in our world and universe.  

Inside the book you will learn how to create, direct, and share magick. You will learn how you can work with magick individually, in small groups, large groups and the possibility of using in a world setting.  

You will learn the connection between love and magick as well as how intelligent magick actually is in our universe. You will tap into the power of magick and how the billions of people on this planet are creating magick all the time and are unaware they are doing.  

After consuming the information in this book your outlook on the energy of magick will be drastically changed. Magick is the most unlimited resource in our world. There is no limit to the magick we as humans can create and with this knowledge you will learn the ease in which you can create it.  

Are you ready to take a journey into the world of Magick? In all history you will find tales of Magickal feats many of which are considered myths. After reading this book you might have a different opinion on those myths.  

As a bonus for getting this book you will also gain access to a free class on creating Happiness Notes. A class showing you how you can brighten the day of the other human beings on this planet one person at a time.

Thursday, February 25, 2021



Courage, acceptance and an unlikely bond, forged in a world where the invention of magic corrupts our new home among the stars.

Ji is only a young girl when her great-grandmother's efforts to hide her come to a tragic end. Alone in a place called Heaven, she must fight every day to make it anything but a living Hell. Yet she will rise to face and change the only world she has ever known.Cloud is the creator of Ji's world; a world stolen from him. He is the inventor of magic and a father ever-separated from a daughter he fears hates him. Returning from death a second time, he must discover how his world — once the pinacle of human science — has become the playground for a man masquerading as a god. He will lose everything, only to find what he always needed in a young woman who will become like a daughter to him.Discover a rich and strange world, well within the realm of possibility; a future created by science and technology but home to the fantastical. Uncover baser truths of what it means to be human, and find out if good truly can overcome evil.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Mom, What is Coronavirus?


"Mom, What Is Coronavirus?" 

Children's Educational Book By Jacqueline Turner 

(For Pre-School, Daycare, & Elementary Children)

This is the perfect book to help educate children ages 3-7 years old about the coronavirus. This children's book describes what the coronavirus is in a fun light-hearted and educational way. Blueey and Pinkie are brother and sister and they are extremely curious as to why they are unable to attend school. Mom kindly explains to them 1) what the coronavirus is and where it came from 2) how to stay safe 3) why it is important to social distance and wear a mask.

My name is Jacqueline Turner, I am a retired pre-school teacher of University of Southern California (USC) Pre-School. I have over 25 years of experience reading, teaching and educating children. During the spike of the historical coronavirus pandemic I decided to write a children’s book titled, “Mom, What Is Coronavirus?”.
I was inspired to write this book because as a school teacher I understand how difficult it can be for children to adapt to the many changes happening in the world. Not only do children have to wear masks but they also have to increase their sanitation, practice social distancing, and engage in virtual learning. Currently, parents and children are in need of more resources to help them navigate these changes.
The purpose of this book is to educate children about coronavirus in a fun and simple way. This book was written specifically for children ages 3-7 years olds. Although I am no longer in the classroom teaching, my passion for educating will always remain. It is my mission to still make a difference in a young child’s life, especially during these times when they need us most

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

SINEDIE (Tesə): the Deathkneel Complex


A dark metafictional YA novel for readers of Hesse's Demian and Wittgenstein's Tractatus.

Demian Friedrich is a quirky loner who prefers to remain on the fringes of things. Yet after the mysterious deaths of his girlfriend and favorite teacher, he stumbles into a conspiracy theory and soon finds himself dead center in a secret war between two groups of descendants of an ancient civilization. Soon after, and with little explanation, both groups fight over Demian.

An introspective, coming-of-age, unprecedented story making use of multiple genres, literary influences, and fields of study, BUY IT NOW and read the first-ever book of its own kind, the anti-YA novel SINEDIE.

Monday, February 22, 2021

You and I


You and I is the thrilling short story compilation following the exploits of Mr. J and his Babygirl. Each story will arouse your secret passions while allowing you to explore fantasies you never knew you had. You and I are about to embark upon a journey of sensual discovery, renewed intimacy, risqué situations, and sexual daring unlike any you have ever experienced. Give in to your secret passions, lose your inhibitions, and explore your deepest, darkest desires

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Beyond the Tango

Today's couples face many challenges as they juggle the demands of their daily life. Learning how to keep your marriage a priority throughout life's changes is often like learning a new dance. Commitment, practice, and the willingness to learn new steps can help you master the skills to keep your relationship energized and thriving.

Using research, interviews, and personal anecdotes, McKeown presents steps you can weave into your dance routine to prevent your marriage from becoming another statistic. Beyond the Tango offers hope that your union can be everything you want, even as you endure the inevitable challenges that all marriages face, and together you can remain on the dance floor.

Author: Susan McKeown Publisher: Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc. About the Author: Susan McKeown, APRN, CPS, is a graduate of St. Anselm College with a B.S. degree in Nursing and Northeastern University’s Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Program. She earned her MFA in nonfiction writing from Southern New Hampshire University. Susan worked with families as a nurse practitioner for over 40 years. She is a Certified Prevention Specialist educating and advocating on issues of mental health and substance misuse. In 2015, Susan was selected New Hampshire Prevention Person of the year by the NH Prevention Certification Board. For the past 18 years she has co-facilitated a weekly support group for families of a loved one with substance issues. Susan's second book, Beyond the Tango, A Guide to A Thriving Marriage While Juggling Careers, Kids, and Chaos in now on advance order from Amazon. She speaks with groups on building healthy relationships, strengthening marriages, and preventing divorce. Susan lives with her husband in New Hampshire where they have conducted seminars for engaged couples for over four decades. They have four grown children and are blessed with two grandchildren.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Princess of Independence


Princess Cristina Trivulzio Belgiojoso is a forgotten figure of the Italian Revolution
Born into a family of nobility, Belgiojoso learned at a young age what
foreigners interested in ruling the Italian States could be like. 
She spent the rest of her life dedicated to uniting her home country and ousting those foreigners
who only brought harm and discord to the country.
After a failed marriage to a prince and being banished to live in Paris, 
Belgiojoso met many key players in the French Government, helping to further her cause.
Her social circles were ones that everyone desired to be part of.
When Belgiojoso becomes a mother, with no father to help her, she still works toward her goal of a unified country, raising her daughter to understand the importance of her heritage.

Will she have to choose between being a mother or being a patriot?

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The Winds of Change


The Winds of Change: 

Making Peace with Asperger's

The Winds of Change: Making Peace with Asperger's is the ultimate feel good story of living with a condition that affects one in a hundred people. 

This fictionalised account, mirroring aspects of the author's own experiences, shines a light on life with Asperger's and how it affects those diagnosed with it, their co-workers, their friends and their family. 

Rhys, who struggles with his condition, will discover that 2018 becomes the defining year of his life and, with the love and support of his family, finds that his world is changing for the better and that it really is possible to make peace with Asperger's.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Riot Underground


Riot Underground 

The surreal, often comical story of one man’s journey through life and his experiences with mental illness, addiction, corrosive personal relationships, shame, spirituality and abuse. He desperately searches for inner clarity and a genuine understanding of the universe and its Higher Power, culminating in a two-year stint remanded to a Christian loony bin.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Hostile Acquisition


Hostile Acquisition: War is Profit

IT’S WAR!!!.

The corporations are readying their armies for battle.

Galactic peace is threatened.

Sam wished to explore the universe but instead has been pulled into the war he does not understand or care about. As war rages once more can he keep his humanity as well as his morality as he is surrounded by deceit and betrayal.

Can he survive the firestorm that is coming?

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Bentley Learns to Share


Bentley Learns to Share

This is Kathy Bryan's first published children's book. She has two grown children that she raised on her own. When her daughter was young, she would make up stories for bed time. This is the first book she wrote down. This story was inspired by her greedy dog, Bentley, she wrote this story for her granddaughter to express the importance of friendship over toys. Kathy is a medical coder, lives and works at home in Riverside, CA. She is currently working on her the sequel to Bentley learns to share.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Lead With Compassion


The effective leader of today is authentic and compassionate, showing who they are by valuing themselves and others while making a positive impact on their business and our world. Shared in the book are the tenets of authentic, compassionate leadership for your professional and personal life, How to Be a Leader focused upon: Value for Who You Are Making a Positive Difference Continuing to Grow Included are essential guides for structuring high-performing and dedicated teams, lasting relationships built on respect and understanding, and impact and success through humility and with humanity. You will be prepared to lead by astutely determining courses of action that would be of the greatest benefit to both the team and the individual as well as your business and your vision or why. You may experience a changed life for a better you, your business, your family, and your world. 
This book will introduce you to the art of compassionate leadership - the art of getting the best for and out of people through the fulfillment of self-worth. It will show leaders how to give their teams a real sense of purpose and direction to motivate and inspire them to perform at a high level.

Author Interviews




Thursday, February 11, 2021

Cat City Books


In a world dominated by—oops, wrong book.

From the author who brought you—whoops…wrong book again…ah, here it is!

From an author you’ve probably never heard of comes the harrowing tale of a—blah, blah, blah! This is just another story about a young, emotionally unstable idiot with a gun, wankstas trying to be gangsta, and a wannabe rapper who can’t rap for Sh#@. Ohhh lawd, here we go!

When the Stuffedy gang monopolizes the drug trade, its worst enemy is itself. When society stops caring about its most vulnerable citizens, civilization dies.When Tuffy meets Pounce and his rag-tag group of misfits, it’s a revolution!

Interactive Word Search: Puzzles with Fun Facts, Trivia & Challenges for Adults

  Interactive Word Search: Puzzles with Fun Facts, Trivia & Challenges for Adults Interactive Word Search: A Fun & Engaging Puzzle ...