Friday, March 5, 2021

Freedom of the Press in Small-Town America


Freedom of the Press in Small-Town America: 

My Opinions

In a 9-year career as an op-ed columnist for a small-town newspaper in America’s heartland, Steve Hochstadt wrote about all the key issues of 21st-century American life. From family holidays to police brutality, climate science to fatherhood, partisan politics to economic inequality, to racism and sexism and truth in politics, he covered it all. He used weekly opinion columns to trace our country’s political history as well as his own journey as a journalist-historian. The stories Hochstadt tells are both universal and particular, constructed by observing America and the world from the vantage point of Jacksonville, Illinois, and his own family history. His essays connect national politics and daily life in small-town America.

As a Holocaust historian, child of a Jewish refugee, and admirer of Jackie Robinson, he has a unique perspective on political issues in this country. He relies on his historical background, careful logic, clear writing, and social scientific evidence to back his personal opinions. Hochstadt’s optimistic belief in the power of liberal journalism transforms these essays into a message of hope to all Americans.

Author: Steve Hochstadt. Publisher: Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc. About the Author: Steve Hochstadt grew up on Long Island, earned a BA and PhD at Brown University, and taught history at Bates College in Maine for 27 years and at Illinois College in Jacksonville 2006-2016. His early research measured migration in Germany. Mobility and Modernity: Migration in Germany, 1820-1989 won the Sharlin Prize of the Social Science History Association. The Holocaust became his focus. Sources of the Holocaust is a document collection used across the country in Holocaust courses. His grandparents escaped from Vienna to Shanghai in 1939, and two books reveal the refugee experience: Exodus to Shanghai: Stories of Escape from the Third Reich and Shanghai-Geschichten: Die jüdische Flucht Nach China. He sits on the International Advisory Board of the Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum. He is a flower gardener and pancake maker.

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