Social Impact Artist, Innovator, Author, Business Strategist, and Tennis Star Queen Tizo released a children's book in early 2021 with the goal of promoting love and acceptance towards children with disabilities, and ultimately inclusivity. Since its release, it has proven itself to be popular and well-written based on the reviews received.
Queen Tizo fully utilises her talent as a hip-hop artist by making the story rhyme. Unlike most traditional children's books, Power The Super Dog's rhyme can be rapped and turned into a truly fun experience for children's reading time. The author wants to create a truly memorable reading experience because instilling these lessons of inclusion and acceptance at a young age not only helps with personal development, but also creates a better society.
Against the backdrop of society's current trends of promoting respect towards others' race, religion, political beliefs etc, Queen Tizo hopes to add another dimension on the topic of physical disabilities. She hopes to empower children with disabilities to understand that their disabilities do not define them, while also educating children without disabilities about inclusion and acceptance. Bullying and making others ‘feel different' due to their impairments is a serious issue that must be addressed.
The book's main character, Bella, is a visually impaired girl. The author is adamant about not limiting herself in any capacity in life, and the character Bella has the same mentality. In the book, God has blessed Bella with a very special dog named Power. Power is a service dog that can rap, and has a key role in how Bella experiences life as they work together to navigate the world. While Power The Super Dog is targeted at children between the ages of 3 and 7, the lessons are still valuable for our society's young minds. For parents interested in purchasing the book, Power The Super Dog can be found on Amazon.