Saturday, October 9, 2021

The Silence of a Mauritian Student


The Silence Of A Mauritian Student

Claire Valérie was born in Mauritius and her exciting journey has taken her to many countries. Proud and determined to succeed, she was thrilled by her acceptance into university in Malaysia, thinking it meant the start of a new adventure.

She was shocked when her dream of international education turned into a nightmare of bullying, racism and harassment. Taunted for her culture, looks and language, Valérie felt ostracised and miserable. In a monstrous act of betrayal, a person she had considered a friend one day set her hair on fire.

Through a series of extremely difficult events, Valérie found her courage and confidence. Refusing to accept defeat, she learned from her failures and persisted in following her dreams. One of those dreams was leadership and helping other international students succeed. Despite opposition from men who were against women in positions of leadership, she persevered, tackling each obstacle that came her way.

By embracing her strengths and pursuing her dreams, she has proved that actions speak louder than words, and offers encouragement and hope to others who also wish to succeed.

She raises awareness of the dangers of bullying and misogyny, and speaks at events on the value of equality and women in leadership.

This is Valérie’s first book


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