Monday, February 28, 2022

Greetings from Asbury Park: A World War Two love story


Greetings from Asbury Park:

A World War Two love story 

Is there such a thing called fate?

Mariella was sure her fate had been decided long ago. At fifteen, her world is turning upside down. The Germans had invaded Rome, and it wasn’t clear what they allowed and what cost deadly penalties. As the oldest in the family, she’s expected to help provide food and staples. And unspeakable sins from her past force her to comply without question.

After nine months, the Allied forces liberate Rome, but things don’t improve. Then Mariella meets Jack. A kind American soldier, with a crooked smile, they come from worlds apart. However, their connection is immediate. After spending the day touring the Colosseum, she invites him to have dinner with her family.

But fate plays its cruel hand again. Jack’s platoon leaves for Japan the following day. Pen Pals is what they would be. It was all she could ask for.

Over several years, they keep in touch. Jack and Mariella share news about their families, achievements, and engagements before a heartbreaking turn of events, causes her to go quiet. He writes Mariella for over a year but gets no response. Now Jack has a decision to make - leave his life in the hands of fate or fight for what he wants.

Thankfully, Jack is no quitter.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Every Day Excellence


Every Day Excellence:

A Daily Guide to Growing

Every Day Excellence is a daily reader/action book, a multivitamin for your life to make you a little better each day.

The Kindle #1 New Release in Professional Development, Every Day Excellence take 2-3 minutes a morning to make every day more excellent and a path to growth as a person.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Goodness on Deposit: The Ginormous Tiny Idea


Goodness on Deposit:

The Ginormous Tiny Idea

"Goodness on Deposit - The Ginormous Tiny Idea” is the first in a series of books which promote a child's awareness of other's needs and demonstrates practical ways for children to make a difference in the life of a friend, neighbor or family member. It is a sweet interactive story which teaches children, through M.T.s journey, to identify acts of kindness that need doing and record them in their Goodness on Deposit bankbook which is outlined in the book. M.T., our 8 year old main character very much admires his mother because she is kind and loving to others and possesses what he believes to be a "heart of gold". A small seed of an idea begins to percolate in M.T.s head. He has a vision where he, along with his buddies, would open up a Goodness on Deposit Bank where children like himself would deposit their good deeds until they reach a balance which would earn them a heart of gold.

Goodness on Deposit: The Ginormous Tiny Idea

Friday, February 25, 2022

Shades of Hypocrisy - Christian Teaching


Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship [Him] in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23-24).

I believe there are so many worshipers who are in the category of true worshipers. I also believe that there are many who are outside this group. Some of those who are outside the group of true worshipers sincerely long to change for the better – but the rest, for some reason, seek to remain the same.

In John 4:23-24, Jesus talked about true worshipers. What status do they have - the true worshipers?

Jesus said, “…[true worshipers] are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.”

Now that’s remarkable, because it means that there are certain worshipers that the Father is not seeking at all – the worshipers that the Father does not seek - the insincere worshipers. With regards to these, the Lord expects nothing but total transformation.

We need to be in the right group. We need to always live right with God. Are you the kind of worshiper that the Father seeks? “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves” (2 Corinthians 13:5, NIV). Every worshiper needs to do this always; this is where this book comes in handy.

“Am I a hypocrite? Am I not?” “Am I acting hypocritical?” - you might already be quizzing yourself. You do not need to speculate anymore, for the answer is just a few pages away.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

My Wonderful Mama


This Powerful children's book story will enable you to smile along with your little one, with its engaging, educative and very informative content.
It will help Every little girl and boy to learn and explore with their mama and to Tolerate and respect Everyone, Especially little 'Brown skinned boys and girls'.
Diverse book which combats and detest 'Racism' and 'Inequality.

#Refreshing, play-fun and learn with mama
#Mama's love is the best
#picnic #cooking #Ice cream #hugs #readingwithmama
#Mama says we are all very special
#BookSeries #MyawesomePapa vol.2


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

EyMiSo: A Radically New Approach to Unleash the Power of your Subconscious Mind



A Radically New Approach to Unleash the Power of your Subconscious Mind

It widely accepted that the subconscious mind when free of from the ego, clutter and erroneous messages submitted by the conscious mind will, by proper instruction, make certain that you will gain everything you could imagine.Wealth, love, radiant health, the eradication of bad habits like smoking or overeating and even enhancing your learning abilities; in fact, there is no facet of your life that can’t be improved because there is not one part of your life that is not controlled by your subconscious.If you are not familiar with the concept of the subconscious and the conscious mind - don't worry, I have dedicated the first few chapters of this book to discussing the basic principled in a simple and logical way.When you learn those secrets you will prosper in all things. The greatest achievers; poets, artists, writers, scientists, philosophers, politicians knew that innately.That poses the question, what is ‘proper instruction’? This is where the EyMiSo process is different. Most books on the subconscious suggest techniques like repetition in a sleepy, dreamy state, hoping this will filter into your subconscious.These are not always effective. EyMiSo is a radically different approach. I detail and explain fully by example in a step by step manner how it works - a secret you are so close to obtaining right now. There is no doubt that when clearly instructed the subconscious will faithfully and obediently fulfil all requests. Happiness, health and abundance is a choice - choose it wisely, choose it now and it will be yours.


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

September 12


September 12


The twentieth anniversary of 9/11 sees Andrea Carter Brown gathering her work into one devastating bouquet of terror, survival, grief, and recovery. From stark moment-to-moment narrative of the flight from her apartment one block from the Towers, through the poems of loss and recovery, her honesty refuses simple answers and refuses to prettify. Bracketed by poems that celebrate the beauty of New York and of the life that followed, Brown pulls us through the arteries of trauma to a wise and astonished consciousness of what it means to heal. To sing again.

In Defense of the Ol' 1611 KJB


In Defense Of The Ol' 1611 KJB

An argument made for God's perfect word at my secular college.

Click here to get In Defense of the Ol' 1611 KJB


Monday, February 21, 2022

Behavioral Astrology


Behavioral Astrology

The key to life is in your birth chart -- the ultimate tool to help you understand yourself, discover your life’s meaning, and take control of your future

Why do I feel anxious all the time? When will I find ‘the one’? What is my purpose in this life?

We’re all on a never-ending quest for guidance, answers, and solutions.

You may spend hours completing personality tests, reading self-help books, or visiting a tarot reader who will give you a glimpse of your fate.

It’s only natural that you want to know yourself better, make sense of the world around you, and seek out tools to help you overcome challenges.

That’s the main reason why behavioral astrology exists -- to answer questions about you.

Astrology is often thought of as a form of entertainment.

In fact, many people never go beyond reading their daily horoscopes and obsessively checking compatibility with their crush.

This surface knowledge doesn’t begin to cover the astrological wisdom of the stars shared across lifetimes of study and practice.

When you take the time to go deeper into your natal chart, you will start to uncover:

● The planetary influence in your life

● The karmic past you didn’t know you had

● And how celestial bodies can impact your patterns of behavior

With this renewed self-awareness, you can begin to truly understand what you need for a life of love, success, and prosperity.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Love In Hopeless Places


Love in Hopeless Places:

Her Dangerous Experiment 

Alexa Williams lived a simple life. As an athlete and a programmer, she had her troubles and had always pushed through…but this time was different. She definitely was not looking for love, nor was she looking to get mixed up in any ugly dealings, but when they say love is found in hopeless places, this could easily have been what they had in mind.

Forcefully taken away from her home and all that she was familiar with for a dangerous experiment that threatened her life, things couldn’t be more hopeless. And as for love…

Jude was careless with a lot of things, including his finances, and it was this carelessness that led him to the mess in which he now found himself. He needed solutions and he needed money—lots of it and fast. So, when a job as a researcher for a deadly project became his latest opportunity, it was an offer he couldn’t refuse. It was never part of the plan to get head over heels distracted, but there is no other way to describe his situation once he set eyes on the beautiful Alexa.

Things heated up fast, and now it seems like it’s all about to come crashing down. He’s stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea, and now Jude must choose between what he desperately needs and what he desires more than anything.

Will Alexa and Jude live happily ever after, or does the hopelessness of dangerous circumstances make theirs the cautionary tale of once in a lifetime love that was too good to last?

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Moments Love & Relationships


Moments - Love and Relationships 

Moments is a collection of events, moments and intimate experiences that all couples share over the course of a relationship. From car rides to couch time, sex to shopping love, forgiveness to the future and everything in between. Moments touches on the insights and inspiration of love and relationships. It only takes a show or express love, kindness, compassion, patience, gentleness, support, empathy, passion, appreciation, friendship, forgiveness, humor, attraction, trust, affection, feelings, dreams, understanding and more... Life is short. Love passionately. Go all in and give all you have to give. Enjoy the moments.

Click here to get Moments on Amazon / Kindle 

Click here to get Moments on Google Play

Click here to get Moments on Barnes & Noble

Friday, February 18, 2022

Phonics Journey to Reading


This book is a step-by-step guide to start your child on the wonderful journey of reading. It was inspired during the first years of my homeschooling journey and was used to teach all seven of my children to read. My oldest child was reading fluently by the age of four. I hope this book will become a staple of your home as it is of mine.













Click here to get Phonics Journey to Reading


Thursday, February 17, 2022

For You, From Me


For You, From Me

If you’re reading this then pause for a moment.This is about you.Take a deep breath and make this moment yours.You deserve it.This book was designed and written with you in mind. It’s a series of one hundred and four moments for you.For you to read.For you to think about.For you to journal on.This is a book of moments – For You, From Me. Also, if you're looking for a different kind of book club book then this is it.This book is a series of short posts that serve as a small reminder about what’s important in life or a quick dose of motivation to start your day.Each entry in this book is unique which allows your book club group to a engage in a variety of conversations. This is helpful for those of you that want to participate in book club meetings but don' always have the time to commit to reading long single themed books. There's a place to journal on every page which allows you to easily capture your thoughts and then share them with you book club. Give it a try and let me know what you think.


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The Family She Never Met


The Family She Never Met: A Novel 

Between two worlds, between love and loss, she finally finds her way home.

Jessica Russo knows nothing about her mother’s family or her Cuban culture. Every time she’s asked about it, her mother has shut down. But when the Cuban grandmother she’s never met sends her right-hand man, Luis, to offer Jessica the chance to come to Miami and meet her estranged family, she can’t help but say yes, even as she knows it will pain her mother.

The woman that Jessica meets is nothing like what she expected. Her grandmother is successful, intelligent, determined, and all too willing to take blame for what has happened to cause the estrangement, and, more importantly, to try and set things right. As Jessica spends time with her grandmother in her beautiful island home, she learns about her family’s history and what caused the schism between her mother and grandmother.

As days with her grandmother turn to weeks, Jessica is determined to find a way to heal her fractured family. And in the end, Jessica might just learn something about herself and what it means to embrace the many facets of her identity.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The Happy Little Humbug


The Happy Little Humbug 

The creative imaginations of a Mother and Daughter duo have produced a heart warming tale of friendship, that has been beautifully illustrated to bring the story to life.

Summer, who is 7, was born with Trisomy 9 Mosaicism, a very rare chromosome disorder. There is not much known about this condition, as only around 200 worldwide are known to have it. Summer has Global Development Delay and finds it difficult to concentrate. Reading a bedtime story was becoming difficult so we decided to make up our own stories.
We came up with a fictional character called the Little Humbug who lives in the garden. Summer helped to design him, insisting he wears a floppy hat and a red bow tie! Of course there had to be a rainbow on the front cover too!

The story is brought together by the Little Humbug's garden friends, helping him to hum his tune again. Children will love the bright illustrations and the garden characters singing their tune.

We are donating a number of these books to local SEN schools and hospitals in the Bournemouth area.

Interactive Word Search: Puzzles with Fun Facts, Trivia & Challenges for Adults

  Interactive Word Search: Puzzles with Fun Facts, Trivia & Challenges for Adults Interactive Word Search: A Fun & Engaging Puzzle ...