Tuesday, May 31, 2022
What Are You To Me
Monday, May 30, 2022
In The Blink of My Eye
In the Blink of My Eye: A Novel
Sunday, May 29, 2022
Monkey's Buffet Festival
Monkey's Buffet Festival
Saturday, May 28, 2022
A Basketball Story
A Basketball Story
Click here to get A Basketball Story on Amazon / Kindle

Friday, May 27, 2022
Nobody's Child

Thursday, May 26, 2022
Twisted Mercy
The Crawford's lay dead on the kitchen floor.
Their only daughter, Emily, who was also my best friend was missing.
My name is Nicole.
I got a strange clue which seem to suggest my childhood friend may still be alive.
Using my skills as rookie detective took me across state lines to solve this mystery.
The search had its problems.
There was someone standing in my way.
Also, after 13 years of abuse, Emily wouldn't be the same.
She lost her parents, her childhood and her soul.
Hunted by an unknown enemy and racing against time before Emily slips through my fingers
I must push myself to the brink if I want to finally reunite with my long-lost friend.
13 years is a long time. I hope I recognize her.
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Dog Coloring Book For Girls
Dog Coloring Book For Girls:
Dog Lover Puppy Dog Coloring Book. Great For Children That Love Dogs! children's Learn and Play Activity Book

Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Sweet Custard Sour Milk
Sweet Custard Sour Milk
Charlotte Custard and Sandra Milk are complete opposites. Charlotte always has perfect grades and perfect clothes, while nothing in Sandra’s life ever seems to turn out how she wishes.
But is Charlotte’s life really as perfect as it appears?
As Charlotte and Sandra get to know each other, they discover that their lives bear a resemblance that they least expect.

Monday, May 23, 2022
A Fearful Wonder - 6BC
A Fearful Wonder: 6 BC
Sunday, May 22, 2022
The Western Edge
The Western Edge: Book 1

Saturday, May 21, 2022
The Bridge Ahead
Click here to get The Bridge Ahead on Amazon / Kindle

Thursday, May 19, 2022
Brave Enough to Try
Brave Enough To Try:
The Start To Your Self-Love Journey And Finding Out Who You Are

Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Kid's Writing Practice Handwriting Workbook!
Kid's writing practice
Handwriting Workbook!
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Do No Harm
Sunday, May 15, 2022
In The Shadow of David
In The Shadow of David
(The Secret Rebellion Book 1)
Volcanoes for Kids
Volcanoes For kids:
Educational science book for learning about volcanoes (Educational books for kids)
Is your son/daughter always curious about volcanoes and other related earth movements and you wish to help him/her learn more in a fun and exciting child-friendly way that will make them grasp all the important stuff about volcanoes?
And are you looking for a guide that will make the whole learning experience memorable and exciting – in a way that ensures they want to keep learning?
If you’ve answered YES,
Let this book help your son/daughter understand volcanoes seamlessly, like the back of their hand!
Volcanoes can be a bit boring to understand when you read about them from boring text. That’s why most people struggle to remember the different terms used to describe different components of volcanic activity.
This book seeks to ensure your child doesn’t struggle to understand volcanoes, with page after page of perfect illustrations depicting everything you need to know about volcanoes.
I know you might be wondering…
Is this book made for a specific age group?
Not really! If your child loves volcanoes or wants to learn about them at any age, this book is for them.
Stuff to do with magma and molten rocks can be hard to understand. Just how kid-friendly is the book?
Don’t worry; there’s no complex stuff here. We keep it light and the book only includes the essential, basic facts about volcanoes. You can also learn a thing or two from the book!
Indeed, this is a perfect child/beginner friendly book about volcanoes that will leave them feeling confident about their knowledge of volcanoes without having to understand complex concepts!
More precisely, this book features:
- Basic facts about volcanoes and accompanying illustrations
- The whole book is written in an easy to understand and engaging tone
- The book is colorful and each page has a unique illustration that further explains volcanoes
- The book starts from the basics and works its way to the more complicated stuff (not too complicated, I promise)
- And so much more!
So even if your child really struggles to understand volcanoes or they actually don’t even know they exist, by the end of this book, they will be able to tell you what volcanoes are and how exactly they work!
No, really, make sure you ask them after they are done and watch the magic unfold!
Click here to get Volcanoes for Kids on Amazon / Kindle on US Store
Click here to get Volcanoes for Kids on Amazon / Kindle on UK Store

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