Sunday, July 31, 2022

The Subconscious Mind - Activate Your Inner MOJO


The Subconscious Mind - Activate Your Inner MOJO

By: Dr. Jilesh

(Learn From Dr.Jilesh ( Highly-Rated Instructor On UDEMY & Alison)

A Simple Guide with clarity & results

You don't want to read 100 books to understand the subconscious mind and how to take control of your life.
You just need this book which is crafted from real experience and after positively changing the lives of thousands of my clients.

Let me ask you :-

Are You Happy With Everything Going On In Your Life Right Now?

It’s About Time For You To Use The Hidden Power Of Your Subconscious Mind! Take Control Of Your Life Today.
Every Single Day You Wake Up, You're A Day Closer To Your Death. Every Single Day You Kick The Can Down The Road, Is A Day Wasted.

How To Use The Hidden Power Of Your Subconscious Mind! No stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now. You will become a complete expert on this, and you’ll get everything you need inside to do the same.

It is important that you understand how your brain works so that you strengthen your belief that you can develop a winning mind-set.

Taking consistent action is essential for the development of a winning mind-set. Here’s where my advice for you comes in.

Here’s Just a Quick Preview Of What You’ll Discover Inside:

- Understanding Your Brain.
- The Power Of Your Mind.
- What Do You Want?
- Why Statement And Setting Goals.
- Create Plans To Achieve Your Goals.
- Control Your Thoughts To Develop Your Winning Mind-set.
- Winning Mind-set Traits And Developing Mental Toughness.
- Use The Right Daily Routine To Develop Your Winning Mind-set.
- Best Practices For Developing A Winning Mind-set.
- Plus, a whole lot more...

Learn From Dr.Jilesh ( Highly-Rated Instructor On UDEMY & Alison)

Access Now to Activate Your Inner MOJO

Click here to get your copy of

The Subconscious Mind - Activate Your Inner MOJO

Saturday, July 30, 2022



Seekers: The Winds of Change

After an assassination attempt that could lead to an all-out war, Tyras and Oren, two young Seekers of the Argan Empire, are each given secret missions in an attempt to thwart the coming chaos. Both tasks require the Seekers to venture through the war-torn continent of Tiarna where the young men face mortal danger, horrible monsters, and hostile groups – all challenges Seekers are trained to combat. Luckily, the two Seekers also find guidance, friendship, and romance along the way. However, powerful and mysterious forces are conspiring behind the scenes and both Tyras and Oren will have to overcome a host of obstacles, including their own inner demons, in order to maintain a glimmer of hope for success. With war imminent and the unknown ahead, will the Seekers triumph, or will they be swallowed by the turbulent, relentless Winds of Change?

Set in a new, masterfully created high fantasy world, Seekers: The Winds of Change is perfect for fans of An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir and We Free the Stars by Hafsah Faisal.

Click here to get Seekers: The Winds of Change

on Amazon / Kindle

Also Available on Kindle Unlimited


Friday, July 29, 2022

If U Don't Ask


If U Don't Ask by R.T.Burda

There is a hidden treasure in this book! This book is about negotiating for the everyday person. It doesn’t matter if you are shy or outgoing; the techniques and tools will help you get the best possible outcome. From this book, you will discover the inside secrets of how to save on insurance, mortgages, vehicles, event tickets, and anything you buy. Imagine harnessing the skills of a professional negotiator every time you make a purchase. This incredible book has changed the lives of anyone who reads it and puts the skills into practice. The only thing you will lose by not reading this book is a lot of money!!!


(and there is even a discount here)

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The Boy With My Name


The Boy With My Name

This subject matter may not be suitable for everyone. This is my memoir on my early upbringing into early adulthood. I will talk about my firsthand experiences of being assaulted as a small child and the long-term effects it had on my overall mental health. This book also references real people. All names have been changed. I wanted to take a conversational approach with this and have it feel like a living journal. At times it will feel abrasive and jarring; I wanted to highlight how my weird brain thinks.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Life, Lessons, & Lemonade


Life, Lessons, & Lemonade

An inspirational true story about a young man who learns what is truly valuable in life... Through a simple yet charming coming of age story, Life, Lessons, and Lemonade will ask you to reflect on what you value in life and how you learned those lessons.

Click here to get Life, Lessons, & Lemonade on Amazon

Monday, July 25, 2022

Intermittent Fasting Formula Done Right for Anyone Over 40


Intermittent Fasting Formula Done Right for Anyone Over 40:

Accept Fasting, reject Feasting. Build a stronger mind Body Connection, obtain through Sheer willpower

Are you considering adopting intermittent fasting to lose weight fast and easily, boost your metabolism, reduce the chances of suffering from different lifestyle illnesses, and much more but are a bit hesitant because you feel that age is not on your side as someone over 40?

And are you looking for a blueprint that will take away the guesswork from the whole process of adopting intermittent fasting as someone over 40 years, so you don’t make potentially costly mistakes that make it harder than it ought to be?
If you've answered YES,

This book will introduce you to the world of intermittent fasting and show you how to make it work its magic on your body and health at your age!

It is indeed true that intermittent fasting has the power to enhance your heart health, lower your cholesterol levels, lower your systolic blood pressure, initiate cellular repair, help enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy and prevent cancer, increase human growth hormone, help you optimize your insulin response, improve bone health, boost sleep patterns and much more! All these are common issues among people over 40!

But as you well know, your body is not the same as it was in your 20s and 30s – are you going to follow the same approach that 20 and 30-year-olds are following? Certainly not, unless you want to increase the odds of having unintended negative consequences!

So how exactly do you adopt intermittent fasting as someone over 40?

Are there people who shouldn’t follow intermittent fasting at all?

Where do you begin - how do you transition from where you are to actually following intermittent fasting consistently?

How do you deal with any challenges that may arise?

What about diet and exercise – how do you use them to enhance the effectiveness of your fasts?

These and many more questions have been answered extensively in this guide, so keep reading to understand exactly how to unlock the full power of intermittent fasting to start your journey to a healthy and happy life!

From it, you will learn:

  • The basics of intermittent fasting, including what it is, how it works, the stages through which the body goes through during fasting and the different methods of fasting
  • Who should not fast
  • How to get started with intermittent fasting, including powerful tips that will help you get started
  • Food choices during intermittent fasting- what to and what not to eat
  • The effects and benefits of intermittent fasting
  • The common side effects of fasting and how to deal with them
  • How to prepare yourself in every single way to ensure you start well and set yourself up for success
  • How to combine the keto diet and intermittent fasting for fast results
  • What to expect regarding your mental and body state after fasting
  • And much more!
Even if you've been trying other solutions that didn't seem to work, and you probably are on the verge of giving up, this book will help you realize how and why intermittent fasting is the best yet simple lifestyle you've been looking for!

Please enjoy one free audio review copy of Intermittent Fasting Formula Done Right for Anyone Over 40: Accept Fasting, reject Feasting. Build a stronger mind Body Connection, obtain through Sheer willpower, is now available on Audible. Redeem the one-time use code below at











Codes are first come first Serve when they are gone they are gone.


Sunday, July 24, 2022

Check Out The Book Promotion Library


Are you an Author?  Do you need help?  Are you open to learning and sharing?

Well then we have the place for you.  Book Promotion Library is creating a movement to help authors learn and grow their skill.  Not only in book creation, but in book marketing, promotion and positive attitude around the entire process of creating and sharing your books.  The base service is free with a new weekly video focused on a specific action you can take to improve your life as a writer.   This is not just a class this is a movement and a constant flow of experience, education, and enjoyment.  

Click the link below to join the Movement!

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Meditation Bowls



Science-Based Sound Therapies

Discover the science behind singing bowls!

Our world is full of distractions that impact our physical well-being and rob us of our mental poise. But what if the answer was just as close at hand as the problem?

What if there was a simple, easy way for each of us to improve our physical and mental health?

The answer has been with us for thousands of years. Sound therapy offers a time-honored way to bring our natural physiological rhythms back into harmony. The West had largely forgotten about this wisdom until recently. Now, as Mariana Vilhena Da shows in her remarkable new book, we can experience the combined benefits of singing bowls and modern science.

Mary holds master’s degrees in biochemistry and pharmacology. As a healthcare professional, she served people in 20 countries. Her encounters with the healing traditions of various communities throughout the Americas led her on a journey to discover the tradition and science behind one of the most remarkable healing technologies ever invented: the simple yet enormously powerful singing bowl.

MEDITATION BOWLS introduces you to the history, the culture, and the science behind singing bowls. You will learn how singing bowls can help you discover your own personal path to greater mental and physical health, and how they can help you achieve your goals in everything you do.

You’ll learn that singing bowls can complement any healing tradition, even that of the science-hardened West. Singing bowls do not dictate your path or guide you along it. Instead, they support the vision and vitality needed for you to discover your own way toward more robust health and greater personal fulfillment.

  • Chapter One explores the origins of sound therapy in general and of singing bowls in particular. You’ll discover the history of singing bowls while learning how people have explored the connection between sound and wellness through the years.
  • Chapter Two describes the scientific evidence of singing bowls’ efficacy. Sound is a building block of consciousness. Mary offers a detailed yet approachable look at how singing bowls can significantly improve your mental and physical well-being, from improving immune function to combating the effects of stress.
  • Chapter Three explores the link between creativity and the state of our brainwaves, and goes on to show singing bowls provide us with the power to amplify our creative capabilities by directly influencing our brainwaves.
  • Chapter Four introduces you to the main types of singing bowls—detailing their strengths, their history, and step-by-step instructions on how to play them.
  • Chapter Five is all about singing bowls in practice. You’ll get precise and insightful instructions on how to use singing bowls to achieve specific effects, along with guided meditations that you can use right away.
  • Chapter Six concludes the book with a discussion of chakras, the body's natural energy centers. Mary didn’t leave her scientific skepticism at the door when she began to explore singing bowls. In this chapter, she offers a fresh, contemporary discussion of chakras as a powerful concept that can heighten the impact of both sound therapy and meditation.

Whether you aim to calm unwelcome mind-chatter with a 14-day of mindful meditation exercise or unleash your true creative potential with the power of sound, here, you will have all the necessary tools to do so.


Friday, July 22, 2022

The Unproposed Guy


There has been no significant change in the life of Kevin—a monotonous routine, ordinary family, and miserably failing relationships—until he finds out he is going through 'Existential Crisis'.

He has always been a marvellous entertainer, but has a mysterious way of putting off girls. The talent in him is growing creatively, and abundantly, but his inability to impress a girl keeps pulling him down slowly. He realises he can be any guy’s best friend, but he also seems to be every girl’s worst nightmare.

Hop onto the rollercoaster journey of Kevin’s life, as he navigates through mocking friends & family, emotions he’s never experienced before, and a sudden desire to take up a career in stand-up comedy and rapping.

Will Kevin ever get a chance in love? Will he become a successful stand-up comedian?

The Unproposed Guy is a homogeneous mixture of passion, determination, love, stand-up comedy, existential crisis, and a lot of sarcasm!!

Thursday, July 21, 2022

The Eighteen Years That Didn't Change Anything


The Eighteen Years That Didn't Change Anything

A revolutionary book by a new author. A memoir that transcends an individual experience to go to the heart of who we are and what is our purpose.

Mr k. is a 40-year-old professional living in London. He wants to settle down and have children. Ms S. is beautiful and intelligent. She is all that Mr K. wish for. However, is the will of a person enough to see their dreams fulfilled? Are we all destined to accomplish our ambitions? And, what do you do when you realize your hopes are slowly slipping away from you?

The Eighteen Years That Didn’t Change Anything is a book about a betrayal and a frustrated love. However, Enrico Tesla is a new author and his prospective is completely different from what you can imagine. We are consuming ourselves scrapping over trite conventions. It is time for new ideas to come in.

Visit the Authors Website at :

This book is available at Bookstores through Ingramspark

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Primal Instinct


Primal Instinct by Minerva Hart
In a flooded world corrupted by pollution and ruled by cruel capitalists, a cynical and lonely young man will befriend a predatory mermaid with a hypnotic song.

The year is 2099, and America has taken 'capitalism' to a new extreme. After the government goes bankrupt trying to fix the climate disasters it failed to stop in time, it literally auctions off sections of the country to big corporations. The people living on these auctioned-off lands are at the companies' mercy, made all the more precious by the flooding and toxic environment rendered real by the climate disaster. If they want to survive, the people must serve the rich, who in turn supply them with a fee, board, and monthly rations. But their bosses' control over them is absolute, and they must obey if they want to stay on the payroll. The alternative is to become a marauder, constantly burned by the acidic seawater flooding the cities and stealing in order to eat.

Freddie Molloy is a victim of this system. Mutated, cynical, and lonely, he has no hope in his life or the world he lives in. But all of that will change when he first hears a mermaid's hypnotic song.

Click here to get Primal Instinct on Amazon


Sunday, July 17, 2022

On Time

On Time (Time Truth Tamed, #1)

Maddox prides himself on the self-control he's had to work hard for. He lives with care for his family and a commitment to his work. It is not that love has never been a desire for him; however, it could be a more dangerous undertaking than any mission he's ever had. Love could cause him to lose control.

Yvana has only ever known love in platonic and familial relationships, and the people she shares it with are the most essential parts of her life. So when the prospect of romantic love appears in her life, she decides to take a chance, but it is ripped from her grasp. Nonetheless, her resilience has yet to fail her. That is until that chance at romance reappears.

The chemistry between Maddox and Yvana had been undeniable from the moment they met online. Unfortunately, when the time arrives for them to discover if they're compatible beyond technology, the opportunity is missed. Three years later, after a series of incredible events in both their lives, a second chance presents itself. The two reconnect with a vigorous rekindling. Together they maneuver their lives with the newfound presence of each other while working to keep their secrets. However, as the sky's stars take up their time and space to shine bright, so must the love between Maddox and Yvana. This love arrives just on time.

Click here to get On Time on Barnes & Noble

Click here to get On Time on Amazon Kindle


Thursday, July 14, 2022

MAYA, the Blindfolded


MAYA, the Blindfolded:

Her mistake?...She trusted him

Maya is a highly educated young woman who suddenly started experiencing bizarre incidents.

One day, She was arrested as a prime suspect in a murder case.

After coming out of jail, Maya started searching for evidence of her innocence.

But in one strange condition, she loses her past few years of memory.

Now, Maya has the uphill battle of regaining her memory and race against time to prove her own innocence.

Will Maya be able to get her memory back and prove her innocence? Find out in this page turner Mystery, thriller , suspense novel.


Interactive Word Search: Puzzles with Fun Facts, Trivia & Challenges for Adults

  Interactive Word Search: Puzzles with Fun Facts, Trivia & Challenges for Adults Interactive Word Search: A Fun & Engaging Puzzle ...