Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Summer is Nigh


Summer Is Nigh:

The Ultimate Bible Study Guide on Tribulation & The Post-Trib Rapture

Evil is rising. Persecution is intensifying. We can feel it. We can see it. Are you and your family prepared for what’s coming? This is the most comprehensive Bible study available guide on eschatology (the end times), with over 280 references to scriptures about the first and second comings of Christ and the final 7 years of life on earth as we know it. All believers need to get this book now, because summer is nigh. Get yours at or on Amazon.


A Conspiracy to Love


A Conspiracy to Love:

Living A Life of Joy, Generosity and Power

A Conspiracy to Love ♥

Do you want more love in your life? More respect? More joy? This book is designed to help you explore paths to personal growth and transformative power.

It will help you:

  • Determine the necessary ingredients for love and happiness
  • To lovingly challenge your unfinished business
  • To develop tools that are easy to learn and use
  • To work toward healing your self and our larger community

This book is about generosity for ourselves and all those who cross our paths. It's about growing consciously through our joys, our fears and our pain. It's about transformation of each of us, our culture and our beloved Earth. This book is about LOVE, about POWER, and a SEA of JOY.

Click here to get A Conspiracy to Love on Amazon / Kindle

Also Available on Kindle Unlimited


Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain 101


Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain 101:

From Bitcoin to NFTs: Learn Everything About the Metaverse and Get Ready to Be Part of the Crypto Revolution

Would you like to learn all about the crypto world easily?

You're about to discover every secret, its real story, and why it could change your life starting today.

The time of the biggest monetary revolution in history is here, and it is essential to make the most out of this moment by understanding why it's happening and what we can do to take advantage of it.

Here is what you'll find inside this guide:
  • The history of cryptocurrencies: where they came from and why they have had this huge success,
  • Let's learn what the blockchain is and how it works to discover all its secrets,
  • NFTs and Metaverse: understanding all about them to becoming part of the digital revolution,
  • How will the crypto world evolve in the future? Is it all speculation, or is there really room for profit?
And much more!

Even if you don't know anything about what you just read or it seems too difficult, don't worry: this guide is designed to be extremely easy for anyone to understand!

Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain 101 on Amazon / Kindle

Sunday, August 28, 2022



Toothless (HD Lite Adventure Series)

Toothless is a LitRPG Horror novel about four individuals who must navigate through a glitched game system that reads their minds and knows their fears. It is a gripping tale—

[Hold up. Let’s break the blurb and get real with the description. This is a story about 4 friends who are trapped in an RPG. However, it’s a hilarious attempt at horror that will keep you engaged and thrilled if you enjoy: LitRPG, Crunchy stats, Crazy player stunts, and a Glitched game system. If those aren’t your thing, this probably isn’t for you—and that’s okay. Regardless, I hope you enjoy the story. It’s a quick read that skims the surface of the mind and fear—enough to create questions (but requires you to look for the answers). So, without further ado—]

Read the thrilling adventure and uncover the depths of unrestrained fears [maybe?] with Toothless.

Click Below to get Toothless on Specific Platforms:

Amazon - US

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DriveThru Fiction

We're All Broken


We're All Broken

Step into a gripping psychological thriller story about the troubled mind of a serial killer and the daughter who turned him in.

For Penelope Hayes, the day her mother died threw her life into chaos. Forced to watch her father struggle with a downward spiral that left him locked in a mental rehabilitation center, Penelope and her siblings were separated in the foster care system and left to adapt to a strange new way of life.

Through a never-ending slew of patient care and custody battles, Penelope sees her father fight his demons as he desperately tries to reclaim his children. Then she hears nothing for five years. What nobody told her was that he was serving a sentence for attempted murder.

Now on parole and in the best mental health of his life, a glimmer of hope appears. It seems that finally, they can rebuild their family again. It was only later that Penelope made a terrible discovery – one that would force her to make an impossible choice. Her father had done many terrible things in his fight against his mental demons... and she has to decide whether or not to turn him in.

As a gritty crime thriller that explores the story of a daughter put in an impossible situation, We’re All Broken is a powerful read that grapples with themes of love and loss, failure and triumph, and finding the good within the horrific.

Click here to get We're All Broken on Amazon / Kindle

Also Available on Kindle Unlimited


Saturday, August 27, 2022

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Homestead Gardening


The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Homestead Gardening: Your Next Step to Self-Sufficiency

Sick of the bad quality, high levels of pesticides, and exorbitant prices of the fruits and vegetables sold in your local market?

What if there was a way to grow nutritious fruits and vegetables right from your own garden? What if we told you it was much simpler than you expected? It’s time to get started cultivating your very own ecologically sound food garden!

The never-ending stream of information that is available online may make the prospect of growing your own food seem overwhelming. So, the author has compiled a simplified, step-by-step guide to establishing a sustainable garden.

Even if you’ve never planted a garden before or have no idea what a seed or sapling is, you can still set up your garden like an expert. If your goal is to live a life of total independence and self-sufficiency but don’t know how to get started, this all-encompassing guide on homesteading will offer you all the knowledge you need to cultivate and store a sustainable crop of vegetables.

Let’s dig into the details of planning and planting your space. Take the first step toward self-sufficiency and…

Click here to get

The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Homestead Gardening

on Amazon / Kindle 

Also Available on Kindle Unlimited

Essential Advice For Buying Your First Home And Navigating Through The Mortgage Loan Process


Home And Navigating Through The

Mortgage Loan Process

Answers to First-Time Home Buyer Questions and Concerns in an Easy-to-Follow 7-Step Guide to Home Buying

By Diana Donnelly

Make the home buying process less stressful by understanding each step of the process ahead of time

How much mortgage can I afford?
What even are closing fees, and will I be responsible for paying them? How much do I have to put down? How much should I put down?

If you have any of these questions, you are not alone! Buying your first home can be stressful and leave you confused and anxious, wondering if you are making the right choice.

In fact, 70% of people in one survey stated they have at least one regret in their home buying experience, and much of this can be attributed to not being knowledgeable about what to expect ahead of time.

By discovering the 7-step process outlined in this book, you will save yourself from many headaches and be part of the 30% who have no regrets about their home purchase.

In this book, you will discover:

● The many benefits of buying a home, including having complete control over your domain and various tax breaks for homeowners

  • ●  How the age-old saying “location, location, location” is of utmost importance in your decision — what to keep in mind when choosing the location of your future home

  • ●  An overview of the different types of homes — know what you should be looking for (Cape Cods, Modern Farmhouses, or many other options)

  • ●  The key to determining how much to spend on a house that won’t leave you “house poor”

  • ●  Costs beyond the purchase price so you know how much you should really save before purchasing

  • ●  How to understand your credit score and what you should do to improve your credit before applying for a home loan

  • ●  The importance of choosing the right lender and questions you should ask them in an interview

  • ●  What you can expect at each step of the loan process, from pre-qualifying all the way to closing on your new home

  • ●  Tips on finding the perfect real estate agent for you, as they will be with you on this life-changing journey

  • ●  Crucial things to look for when viewing homes, including things you may never have considered important when renting

  • ●  Everything you need to know about making an offer on a house so you have the best possible odds of getting the house of your dreams

  • ●  All the important factors to keep in mind before closing on your property

  • ●  What happens after your offer is accepted and everything you need to know

    about being a homeowner

    And much more.

    This definitive guide leaves no stone unturned when it comes to the house buying process.

    Discover everything you need to know before starting your search so you are not left with regrets later.

    Click here to get your copy on Amazon / Kindle 

Becoming Successful in Real Estate


Becoming Successful in Real Estate:

How I Sold My First $15,000,000 as a Single Parent

Broken Windows


Broken Windows:

A Collection of Creepy Tales

Prepare for the unexpected as you experience the chilling and downright frightening tales of the supernatural. A shapeshifting alien, an escaped serial killer, a vengeful spirit and an all consuming blood demon are just a few of the unforgettable characters you'll get to meet, if you dare! Be careful what you decide to chant into a mirror. You never know what may be unleashed as a result!

Friday, August 26, 2022

WTF is Dyscalculia?


With practical guidance and essential insights, inside this book, you’ll join Math Disability Mentor and Coach Yohanis Delabat as she reveals an often-misunderstood condition that could be the source of your child’s math struggles. With a friendly and down-to-earth approach, this book dispels the mysteries around learning difficulties, providing parents and educators alike with a clear understanding of dyscalculia.

Drawing on Yohanis’ personal story of struggling with her daughter’s poor math grades, you’ll be taken on a short and straightforward journey to understand the symptoms of dyscalculia, discover how it could be impacting your child’s education, and what you can do to help your child succeed in school and beyond.  for you.

Here’s just a little of what you’ll discover inside:

  • Dyscalculia 101 – Uncovering The Truth Behind This Little-Known Condition

  • Common Signs and Symptoms of Dyscalculia (and Why It Makes You Terrible At Math!)

  • The Best Ways To Diagnose If You or Your Child Has Dyscalculia

  • Real-Life Learning Strategies To Unlock Your Child’s Full Potential

  • Why Dyscalculia Might Not Be For Life – How You Can Change Your Brain and Start Learning Smarter

  • And Much More…

Click here to get WTF is Dyscalculia

Thursday, August 25, 2022

The Way Of The Green Witch


by Heather Blackthorn
"The Earth is a magical place, and believe it or not, magic does thrive in our midst. Although the magical experience is not for everyone, each of us has a chance to access this magic if only we open our eyes and hearts fully to it. This book is for those that wish to follow the path of a green witch, unlock and understand nature's magical powers, learn to heal oneself and others, and reconnect with mother earth"

Heather aims to bring back the ancient tradition of Green Witchcraft to the modern day, restore and secure the knowledge and wisdom taught by her mother, and clear up any myths around spell casting, witchcraft, and the supernatural.

If you are striving to become a Green Witch, but have no idea where to start, let this be your Green Witchcraft Handbook.

An Overview of what to expect from 'The Way Of The Green Witch'

Important Basics - A Complete introduction to the basics of Green Witchcraft

Everything You Need - An Overview of all the Tools you will need as a Green Witch

Magical Plants Compendium - A Magical Herb Compendium with over 60 magical plants

Practical Guidance - Over 30 Spells, Rituals, and other practical Witchcraft ideas

Self-Fulfillment - Ways to heal yourself and others, become happy, and attract wealth

Spell Crafting - A guide to creating your own Spells, Rituals, and Practices

Complete Spellbook - Spells for Love, Healing, Protection, Divination, Courage, Wealth, Fortune, Empowerment,

Your journey as a Green Witch may start today, but my guess is that it started a long time ago, and you just didn't know, until now.


Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Was Jesus Married?


Was Jesus Married?:

The Case From The New Testament

Lee Wilson brings the historical Jesus into focus on a matter whose time has come with eye opening information that skeptics should consider before forming an opinion. -Vincent Mallozzi, The New York Times

Was Jesus Married? "No, of course not!" It’s one of those things you’ve always been told—that Jesus was unmarried and celibate, and “everybody” knows it. End of story and case closed. Or is it?

Can you prove it? Can you quote a Bible verse that says that Jesus was single? Is there a prophecy that says Jesus had to be unmarried or else he couldn’t be the Messiah? In fact, is there any evidence whatsoever that Jesus was single or is it just something that you have assumed based on what you have been told your entire life? Now we’re getting somewhere.

“Because that’s what we’ve always said,” isn’t nearly a good enough answer. But you say, “The Bible doesn’t say that Jesus was married,” and you are right in that it doesn’t say that directly, but it also doesn’t directly say that he was single. So, if we are being completely honest, the claim that Jesus was married has equal footing with the claim that he was single. Or maybe there is actually a case to be made from the pages of the Bible that he was married rather than single.

This book will show you evidence that Jesus was married from within the pages of the New Testament. You’ll also learn the motive behind the portrayal of an unmarried Jesus that has been engrained in so many. After giving this book an honest read, if you still think there is not a case to be made that Jesus was married, then you may return to believing that he was single and celibate. Until then, it’s time to start proving that Jesus was single or else stop claiming it like it’s gospel truth, because it’s not.

Strongly sourced and researched, Wilson has created something eye opening, being one of the first mainstream Christians to take an unbiased look at the long-held presumption that Jesus was not married. I challenge you to read this book and try to see Jesus the same way you saw him before! -James Russell Lingerfelt, Master of Theology, Pepperdine University

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Interactive Word Search: Puzzles with Fun Facts, Trivia & Challenges for Adults

  Interactive Word Search: Puzzles with Fun Facts, Trivia & Challenges for Adults Interactive Word Search: A Fun & Engaging Puzzle ...