Tuesday, January 31, 2023




Trapped in the clutches of a psychopath

From tragedy to triumph -A story about being trapped in your own house and about being brainwashed by yourself and other people. It is also about fighting your way back and finding the courage to break free.

A wrong decision started the domino effect of bad decisions and disasters that I would have to live through for many years to come. I chose the wrong man. A dangerous man. A sick man. A man who wanted to take my life. It was the beginning of the end of a fairly normal life, and of the life I knew. Brainwash is about being locked up in your own home, locked up in your own brain and getting so far-fetched that there is no turning back. It is about being brainwashed both by others and by yourself. In addition, it is about fighting your way back to life stronger, better and more whole than ever before.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Just Shake It Off!


Children, like grownups, feel a wide range of complicated emotions.

Children's social-emotional development, including their capacity for empathy and resilience building, may benefit greatly from adult support as they learn to recognize and constructively express their emotions. Emotions are neither positive nor negative; they just exist. Words are essential for children because they allow them to put names to their experiences and understand their environment.


Sunday, January 29, 2023

Helen's Melons Fly South


Helen’s Melons Fly South

Helen has a dilemma when it comes to her melons. Along with her friend Ellen, they discreetly divulge their problem, that makes you question whether there may be a subtle undercurrent of satirical naughtiness. This book is clean for children, but I would advise parental guidance for sake of anybody that may be sensitive to this form of word play.

Suffering from a bad bout of gardening, Helen is unable to grow perfect melons, unlike her friend Ellen, and takes matters into her own hands to rectify the matter. In a sensational series of events, can Helen sort out her melons, or will Ellen reign supreme? Read on and find out.

Inspired by completely untrue events, the title says it all, whilst also saying precisely zero or less. I hope this book makes you laugh, as the pilot copy we created went down a storm, and had people bent double with laughter.


A Conversation With Self


A Conversation with Self

A Spiritual journey to Let go and Let God and manifest your desires This book will inspire you to discover who You really are.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Sailing In Dark Waters


Sailing In Dark Waters:

A Poetry Anthology by The Mad Poet

Sailing In Dark Waters Is a powerful collection of poems that has been written on many different topics. But mainly centers around dealing with Mental Health issues, the writers struggle with their faith, and life in general. The poems are beautifully written and thought provoking. Many of the poems are autobiographical especially “Love Won and Lost”, and “Once, Twice, Thrice”. “Once, Twice, Thrice” tells the writers story of his own suicide attempt. All of the poems are written in free verse form though some do have a certain rhythm to them. This book of poetry is accessible to everyone and is truly written to be able to be appreciated by anyone.

Friday, January 27, 2023

The Strangers


The Strangers:

From: The Chronicles of Bamboo Village

Vol.1 No.5

The Strangers is a West Indian fictional short story set in the imaginary Bamboo Village in Barbados during the 1950s. It captures the essence of the island's language and culture in several conversations and incidents. It is humorous and highly entertaining. The Strangers is the fifth short story of Volume 1 of the intriguing collection: 'The Chronicles of Bamboo Village'; which embodies the dynamics transitions and transforms of the island, from the 1950s until Present, through the eyes, relations and interactions of the villagers of Bamboo and their counterparts in 'Glentis Village'. The Strangers is the key link to Volume 1, enjoyable and quite satisfying read.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Flexin In My Melanin


Flexing in my melanin is about empowering, encouraging and motivating young girls children preteens and teens to love themselves no matter what they look like to instill morals and build character Kayla takes you on a journey so that she may remind you to be confident in who you are and have the courage to dream big. Reminding you that you are here on purpose for a purse to love yourself and flex in you melanin while being authentically you with confidence love and gratitude with sprinkles of affirmations so you never forget!

Find out more at:

instagram handle: Miss_officialone and @kayln_milan

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The Finesser


The Finesser:

A con man gets conned by the woman he’s ripped off… and that’s just the beginning

Jody’s a bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks. He’s going to get the towing company he wants, no matter who he has to con to get it. Too bad he never saw Passion coming. Because Passion isn’t what she seems. She’s not the easy mark he thought she was. And she’s not going to let him rip her off and walk away. Jody’s not about to change his ways… but he might not have a choice. Passion isn’t your average big beautiful woman. She has a plan, a diabolical plan to not take Jody’s conning sitting down. Because Jody’s not the con man here; Passion’s the mastermind. With a single spell she can strip him of everything. And she just might if he can’t step up his game and pay what he owes her. The best way to force him to pay her back? Make him marry her; then he can’t just disappear into the wind. Jody’s going to marry her. Even if she has to take out a million dollar life insurance policy to lure him in.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Chasing Dandelions


Chasing Dandelions:

Love, Grief, and the Commandments of Jesus

Human life is meant to be shared. We were designed to coexist with other humans, with God, and with animals. Christian doctrine and indigenous cultural beliefs teach us this. This shared life leads to fulfillment, enrichment and love. Unfortunately, it also leads to grief and despair when that life no longer exists in the same fashion.

Inevitably, we lose those that we love the most. For most of us, our pets are just as important and loved as any other member of the family. Grieving the loss of a pet is no easy task. 

When I lost my sweet girl Koda, I was distraught. I sought answers to questions that were mostly unanswerable. I wrote this book as I attempted to explain the meaning of our shared existence together, as well as the lessons that I've learned from living a life of love with her.

As I navigate the stages of grief, and grieving her loss, I wanted to share what I've experienced in regards to learning about the mysteries of life, love, grief and the commandments put forth by Jesus. By learning about how these are all intertwined, I hope to shed some light on retaining faith in the midst of tragedy.

I'm not a Biblical scholar - just a regular guy who's experienced heartache. I wanted to preserve Koda's memory and hopefully help someone else through this process. This book attempts to do so.

A portion of all proceeds will be donated to area animal shelters and hospitals in Koda's memory.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Surviving the Mental Health Jungle


Surviving The Mental Health Jungle:

Mental Health Professional Guide for Everyone

Filled with powerful insider tools, strategies, best practices, and real-life lessons, Patrice tackles:

The basics: From mental health counseling 101 to the educational requirements to get the degree, building productive client relationships, cultivating organizational skills, and 5 key concepts to surviving the mental health industry, readers can make their first big steps and take a page out of an expert’s playbook
The specialized: From counseling a person with control issues to learning about CBT, counseling theorists, existentialism, stress management, sales principles to make you stand out, and more, get into the nitty gritty of the concepts and tools to succeed and thrive as a mental health counselor
And so much more!
This book is fullу packaged with strategies on hоw tо ѕurvivе in the mental hеаlth junglе. Enclosed herein is a widе rаngе of insights to hеlр you еxсеl in уоur career аѕ a real problem-solver.
So, what аrе уоu wаiting for?

Sunday, January 22, 2023

The Tree Perception


The Trees Perception:

Lessons Learned (This Can't Be Real)

"The Trees Perception" I have compiled a collection of pictures and a narrative about the connection to my soul.

Capture the Amazing, Mesmerizing, and Intriguing Language of Nature.

Discover a mind-blowing collection of hidden images created by the trees that will stimulate your imagination, bring you closer to nature, and embrace your spiritual connection with all the living things on the planet. Start a fascinating journey of self-realization as you discover the little-known secrets of the trees.

I challenge you to witness an awe-inspiring piece of the hidden truth known only to the creatures of the planet Earth and open your mind to interpret the language of the universe hidden in the wild and unique treasures of nature.



Books By Mary Ross

 Books By Mary Ross

Weapons Formed Against Me:

The Woman Who Walked Through Hell

From a very young age, author Mary Ross endured a childhood of horrific abuse at the hands of a woman she believed to be her mother. The damage inflicted on her would travel with her for the rest of her lifeand yet, in spite of it, she has managed to overcome the trauma of her youth.

In this memoir, she shares her personal history of being raised by a violent woman with severe mental illness and receiving little help or support from anyone. Abused mentally and physically, Mary was raised to think of Hon as her mother, only to find out at twelve that this was not truethat she actually had an entire biological family living just across town. Even so, she was left isolated and alone. As she grew older, she struggled first to survive and then to find some measure of personal power. Her past made her path to adulthood a rocky one, full of cruelty and betrayal, but eventually she discovered the strength to stand on her own.

Baby Girl:

A Father’s Love for Lust and Dominance

My book as a follow-up to my previous book Weapons Formed Against Me. It goes on to describe the story of a teenage girl who finally met her father and was able to live with him in Colorado. And after learning what his real intentions were as to why he wanted me to live with him. It became a battle to survive once again. He isolated me and took me up to the mountains of Colorado it was just my father and I acting on the outside that everything was ok, when it really was not.and I was up there in the mountains where he could commit his devious acts upon me with no one to help me.


Friday, January 20, 2023

#1 Valentines Day Gift Idea


Take Your Sex Life From Boring To Mind-Blowing in a Few More Than 69 Moves

IN THE BEGINNING THERE WAS SEX, BASIC AND PRIMAL IN ITS EARLY STAGES, OR SO WE THINK. . . . Perhaps modern society is simply unaware of the depth of sexual understanding our ancestors truly possessed. Maybe modern society is actually relearning the sexual secrets that have been lost over the years. We can look back to the Kama Sutra and see that thousands of years ago, the various sexual positions were given extreme importance. There are even ancient texts that suggest certain positions and angles of penetration can improve your health and even fight disease—more than just physical pleasure. However, intense physical pleasure is an excellent place to start.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

The Most Wanted (2004-2005)


The Most Wanted (2004-2005) 

My Very Dear Reader…

If the Universe, Buddha, Jesus, God, or whatever your religion, came together to get this book into your hands, your understanding of the complex world of mental illness will be more advanced, so congratulations!

Any person regardless of religion, nationality, color, or economic power is subject to this disease or its different symptoms, who can also fall into the mistake of believing that absurd, erroneous behavior or outside of what is socially accepted, is part of the personality.

The taboo that currently exists is still bestial, where patients are treated, judged and punished as normal people, that is, with their functional mental capacities. The lack of education in this regard, and the same taboo that has always existed in history, has brought a lot of pain and fatalities in families and societies.

This book describes more than six decades of the author's life where surviving was her only option. The goal is to raise awareness and put into practice in an open, direct and firm way the issue of mental imbalances, and that these issues can be discussed in casual and normal conversations rather than hiding or being ashamed of reality. Or what is worse, attack those people who need help, judge them or abandon them.

Not everyone is ignorant of mental illness, many do nothing about it, even use it for their own interests. So, dear reader, whatever her position, it will benefit her to understand this issue that affects us all equally. These people roam the streets, we either have them at work or certainly in our government.

The most real knowledge about mental imbalances can help you make more calm decisions about yourself, your family and definitely society and your government.

A big hug and deep gratitude from the author for taking her time to light her path and that of others.

Book Review:

This book takes us by the hand to a world where we are shown the harsh reality with which many people have to fight who, although they have a voice and ask for help, are not listened to, or worse still, are ignored or discarded. It sensitizes you, makes you reflect and makes you question how much you are part of the problem or the solution. But it also teaches you something else: it's never too late to learn to heal or make amends. It teaches you to love your past and to have hope in your future, because everything described in this book, and the purpose of having created it, are born from the feeling of love and hope, even after the painful path traveled.

Click here to get The Most Wanted (2004-2005)

on Amazon / Kindle 

The Not-OK Corral Mystery: A Tansy & Hank Pet Psychic Cozy Mystery



Bang! Bang! The Not-OK Corral Murder Mystery
Everyone in Pine Ridge is preparing for a big Pioneer Days show for tourists in town. In the midst of the excitement, Tansy Silver and her French bulldog Hank find themselves on a life-threatening quest for answers as they try to unravel the web of intrigue and mystery left behind after a surprising crime that shocked the small town, all while a young woman's potential engagement is on the line.
“Bang! Bang! I jumped, even though I knew the gunfight scene was coming. Well, not much of a gunfight. Ted’s part gets the jump on Mark and shoots him as he tries to walk away. But something’s wrong. He’s supposed to get up, get on his horse and ride away. He’s not supposed to remain lying on the ground…”
Get ready to curl up in your favorite reading spot and enjoy a cozy read. In The Not-OK Corral Mystery, the author delivers a totally gripping murder mystery filled with surprises and a good dose of suspense that will keep you reading from beginning to end.
Will Tansy be able to solve it before things start spiraling out of control? Find out by reading this book.

Interactive Word Search: Puzzles with Fun Facts, Trivia & Challenges for Adults

  Interactive Word Search: Puzzles with Fun Facts, Trivia & Challenges for Adults Interactive Word Search: A Fun & Engaging Puzzle ...