Thursday, November 30, 2023

MIND: PSYCHOLOGY--The Untold Story...


MIND: PSYCHOLOGY--The Untold Story...


    MIND is about what has been left out, what others have not told us, in our high schools, our colleges, our psychology textbooks, and our daily news. Albert Einstein, in his autobiography, spoke of the realization of how much is censored from us. This led Einstein to " orgy of freethinking"; About life, freedom, and the ideas they forced him to memorize in his physics textbooks.

    A computer is only an expensive paperweight. It has value only when programs for word processing, spreadsheets, games, etc. are fed into it. The mind is the same. The brain and the computer both have unique properties, but the key is in the learned programs.

    PSYCHOLOGY CONTROLS THE BIOLOGY OF THE BRAIN:  Adrenalin, Cortisol, and Neurotransmitters flood the brain in response to words, Hollywood horror movies, anxiety-producing thoughts, and the girls shrieking “Witch, Witch!” at the Salem witch trial... That is not in our DNA.

    QUEST FOR THE MIND CODE; how the mind is programmed by the environment.

    NEW EVIDENCE: How learning "hardwires" the brain for language, emotion, culture, sex....

    MIND CONTROL is an everyday occurrence. Psychology’s General Theory of Relativity; Kamikaze pilots, suicide bombers, celebrity, Tank Killing dogs, sex, and Sacred Cows.  

    THE SUCCESS OF GENIUS is not about the brain, it is about learning how to think. How the greatest minds in history made their discoveries, in their own words.

    COGITO, ERGO, COGITO COGITO: I think, therefore, I think, I think. The fact that we can think has created the illusion that we do think. Test yourself.  Perception determines our reality.

    WHAT THE GREATEST MINDS IN PSYCHOLOGY KNOW about how the mind works. Understanding how the mind works gives us the potential to control our own mind, just as Einstein’s understanding of the atom gave us the potential to control the atom. We are far behind in that understanding.

    MIND is not for the fainthearted, it is for those who, like Einstein, have already run slam into a reality they never knew existed, and who want to know what they were not told.

If you read each chapter to the end, I think you will see a unique insight from anything you have heard before, solely based on the evidence from psychology. Some of it may be liberating, some of it may painfully clash with what we have been told. Some of it may make you laugh at the extent of human stupidity. Let the chips fall...

Click here to get MIND: PSYCHOLOGY--The Untold Story...

on Amazon

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Allure of the Siren: Temptation, Deception, and Redemption


Allure of the Siren:

Temptation, Deception, and Redemption

Amid the vibrant chaos of Bangkok's nightlife, the gripping narrative of "Allure of the Siren: Temptation, Deception, and Redemption" unfolds. Two bitter rivals, Dao and Chaisai, are reluctantly thrust into an unprecedented partnership, as they embark on a relentless quest to locate missing strippers. With an unwavering resolve, Dao takes a risk by going undercover as a stripper. As the investigation leads them into a malevolent underbelly, an unexpected bond blossoms between the detectives, igniting a profound romance that defies the odds. Behind the gli façade of Bangkok's clubs lies a sinister truth: the abducted strippers are being subjected to the horrors of a drug known as "euphoria” transforming their lives into a nightmarish ordeal. Whether facing death, a cruel fate, or the clutches of human trafficking, the victims are ensnared in a web of darkness. Throughout their journey, Dao and Chaisai uncover the harrowing realities of their city and the hidden dimensions of themselves. As they navigate the treacherous twists of the case, they confront their personal histories, family ties, and the twisted recesses of the elite society. This story captures human connection, resilience, and the ceaseless pursuit of truth in the face of challenges.

Click here to get Allure of the Siren on Amazon / Kindle 

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Ms. McGravy


Ms. McGravy

Have you ever loved something so much that you wanted to put it on everything?! Well, Ms. McGravy feels the same way. Follow Ms. McGravy as she puts the thing she loves the most on everything. Can you guess what her favorite thing is? Open the book to find out.

Click here to get  Ms. McGravy on BookShop.Org

Monday, November 27, 2023

Doggedly Devoted: You Know You're A Dog Lover If...


Doggedly Devoted: You Know You're A Dog Lover If... is a treasure chest of laughter for every dog lover out there. This book is a unique blend of humor and love for our dogs that will make you chuckle, smile, and nod in agreement.
You'll find yourself immersed in a world where dogs rule, and their antics are the main source of joy. It's filled with clever jokes that perfectly capture the essence of being a dog lover. From the silly things dogs do to the silly things dog lovers do for their beloved canines, this book captures it all in a light-hearted way.
But this book isn't just about laughs. It's also about recognizing yourself in its pages. You'll see your relationship with your beloved pet mirrored in these jokes, making you feel seen and understood. It's like having a conversation with a fellow dog lover who gets exactly what you're going through. And loving (most every) minute of it.
The color illustrations add another layer of enjoyment to this book. They bring the jokes to life, making them even more hilarious and relatable.
You'll find yourself flipping through the pages again and again just to enjoy both the words and these delightful illustrations.
Doggedly Devoted: You Know You're A Dog Lover If... is also an excellent gift for any dog lover in your life. It's a sure way to bring a smile to their face and remind them of the special bond they share with their furry pal.
So why not take a break from daily hassles and stress?
Dive into this book and let its humor wash over you. Let it remind you of the joy that dogs bring into our lives, making every day brighter and more enjoyable.
This isn't just another joke book - it's a celebration of dogs and those who love them dearly. So go ahead, grab your copy today, curl up with your fur baby, and get ready for an unforgettable journey filled with laughter, love, and lots of wagging tails!

Sunday, November 26, 2023

The Forbidden Love


She loves him and he loves her, but her family refuses to accept their devotion to each other.

Zarayah Mello falls for a fellow karate student, Zaire, only to learn he cares for her too. Just… not the way she hoped. Over time, his affection grows, but their young love is interrupted—her family does not approve.

She’s forbidden from seeing him and she’s an obedient daughter. But her heart longs for the one she loves.

Years later, Zarayah and Zaire cross paths once more, and soon their past love is rekindled. But Zaire has a secret with the power to break her heart… again. Zarayah must discover if their love can overcome impossible odds and lead to happiness—or if they are destined to fall apart from the start.

*** Second Edition

Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Regrettable Decision


At the altar, Zarayah can’t help but wonder if she’s making a terrible mistake…

Keeping her husband-to-be’s secrets from her family wasn’t the first gut-wrenching decision she had to make. Choosing to go through with the wedding after learning what Zaire has done leaves Zarayah with a bad taste in her mouth. But surely it’s too late to call things off when they’re standing at the altar together… right?

Backing out would embarrass her family—and herself.

So she goes through with the marriage and things go from bad to worse. Their honeymoon cruise is a disaster and her anything-but-loving husband leaves her wondering if her family was right—maybe he’s not good enough for her. Still, she tries to make the best of things, until she learns he’s keeping more secrets from her. Can she break free of him and live life on her own terms? Or will he keep her under his thumb forever?

Affordable Holiday Book Promotion Help


Hello Authors,

The time is here to get your books out there one of the best buying times for your book is upon us.  Holiday Shopping has begun and you need to have your book out in front of as many people as possible

Friday, November 24, 2023

Our Holiday Choice for Books


The Big Black Book of Sex Positions:

Take Your Sex Life From Boring To

Mind-Blowing in a Few More Than 69 Moves


Get ready to take your sex life to a whole-new level. Here is an oversize, full-color guide to heat up any bedroom with these tantalizing positions that will enhance your sex, impress your partner, and make lovemaking more fun than ever for you.

With a Complete Collect of Sexy Challenges to keep the New Year Fresh and Exciting for your Relationship.  

Click here to start your Holidays shopping to get 

The Big Black Book of Sex Positions

On Amazon Hardback / Kindle 

Thursday, November 23, 2023

A Chance To Love


A Chance to Love

Kiconco loves her family and enjoys spending time with them. There is one thing missing however - she never gets to spend time with her dad. Her parents are separated and she doesn't get to see her father - at all. She misses him and feels like she has a huge hole in her heart because of that. A Chance to Love addresses parental alienation and neglect, and Jestina hopes it will be a valuable tool to aid parents, teachers, and family advocacy personnel in explaining such confusing experiences to young children. The author believes in children being heard, understood and loved, and wants to use books to support people to do that. The book is meant to show children like Kiconco, that it’s never their fault that a parent is absent, and to also try to understand that grown-ups are imperfect.


A Review of this book on Readers Views

“A Chance to Love,” by Jestina Hodge-Pais, illustrated by Annabelle Zhang, is a warm, helpful children’s book with a great big message for young readers: children everywhere want and need to be heard, especially children living in single-parent homes. Meet Kiconco, who will be celebrating her 10th birthday with a party. Most of her family will be there, and she likes spending time with them, but who she really wants to spend time with is her dad, who never visits her or has contact with her. She feels lonely and unhappy because of it.

Right away you know that Kiconco’s story will resonate with young readers going through similar situations, so this book would be great for counselors, educators, and of course children and their parents who can relate. Some children don’t receive heart-to-heart conversations about why families break up, so it can be a confusing and unhappy time for them. This book can help ease the anxiety and pain a child feels when they find themselves with a single parent and missing out on the absent parent. 

Hodge-Pais has created a thoughtful self-help book for children, and possibly for parents too. Children learn a lot from books, and this one will go a long way in helping them understand that they aren’t alone, that their feelings are real, and that they have a right to feel them. Sometimes children blame themselves, so this book will help them see that they aren’t to blame and that families come in all shapes, sizes, and situations, and that everyone messes up, even parents, and things can, in some cases, get better. The author writes from personal experience, which makes this book even more meaningful and honest.

Young children and parents will connect with this story. Parental neglect, failure to co-parent, and alienation aren’t easy things to write about, but this author does it very well, and these tough subjects should be addressed. As a former social worker, I agree with the author’s approach: if a child is living a certain situation, they deserve the opportunity to have it addressed, to have the opportunity to express themselves, and to know that there are others living the same things. The illustrations are cute, endearing, and appropriate for the text. The book could make you cry and break your heart in some places, but it definitely helps you see and feel how badly children miss out on having a father around. Though sad at times to read about a child believing her dad doesn’t love her, it does have a happy ending. If you’re looking for an empathetic story that will touch the hearts of children living in single-parent homes, “A Chance to Love” by Jestina Hodge-Pais, is a book you must have and share.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Aftermath 2020 : America Shaken


Aftermath 2020 : America Shaken

Were pandemic measures solely instituted for the safety of the public, or was this a test run for another agenda? This book is for the logical and curious mind desiring to explore all angles of the pandemic experience. The reader must possess an open mind to variance of opinions. The purpose is to briefly examine key moments of the COVID pandemic that forced intense, life-altering decisions. It discusses how American citizens navigated murky waters, suffering and persevering amid setbacks and devastation. The reader will receive highlights and perspectives on how division over coerced health choices almost tore families, communities, and society at large, apart. At the core, exploration is made into the impact of mandated personal health decisions on the masses. The book expounds on how media messaging can work to bring harmony or conspire to create unproductive feuding.

This book is for the logical and curious mind desiring to explore all angles of the pandemic experience, with an open mind to variance of opinions.

#Americans #government #politics #mystery #economy #2020 #scandal #COVID-19, #pandemic #lies #healthcare #industry #social #unrest

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Love. Love. Love. A Collection of Mindfulness Poetry


Love. Love. Love. A Collection of Mindfulness Poetry illustrates the joys and sufferings of my life through the medium of mindfulness poetry. Creating a sacred space for readers to connect and inquire into their own path of spiritual awareness and quiet wisdom.
The experience of mindfulness poetry is kind, inspiring, truthful, and compassionate. Not just
mere words but language carefully selected to evoke a quiet introspection into our true nature.
Our Buddha nature.
We are awakened to a journey of interconnectedness. Creating, flourishing, loving on a
profound level. My hope is to build community with you, sharing our joys and sufferings on this parallel path of spiritual awakening.
For all beings seeking to live fully in each moment, may you be inspired and connect with your

Click the links below to get your copy of

Love. Love. Love. A Collection of Mindfulness Poetry on

Barnes & Noble


Apple Book Report

Monday, November 20, 2023

Be Good, Speak Good, Do Good: Peter Teaches Kindness


Be Good, Speak Good, Do Good:

Peter Teaches Kindness

You may have heard the saying, "children are the future of the world." In every respect, a child is the very seed, that needs to be nurtured, and cared for, so that they can bloom into the wonderful adults they can be, to make the world a better place. Be good, speak good, do good, is a way for us to teach our children the great qualities that make a good person, such as kindness. While the rhymes keeps the book fun and entertaining, the message of the book, works on helping children develop critical skills and qualities that can make them shine!

Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Content Beast


The Content Beast

The Content Beast is a book for anyone who wants to learn about effective content marketing.
It's divided into four easy-to-understand parts:
-WHY You Need To Feed The Content Beast
-WHO Are You Really Feeding
-WHAT To Feed The Content Beast
-HOW To Feed The Content Beast
This book gives you practical tips and strategies to use the power of story to create consistent and valuable content that connects with your audience.

Click here to get The Content Beast on Amazon Kindle

Misplaced Trust


Misplaced Trust

When anyone thinks about trust or wills, they think everything will go smoothly, no one will have a problem, and our closest relatives and loved ones will respect our wishes. STOP THOSE THOUGHTS!

This book is about what people do once money and greed take over. Some stories will amaze you, others will shock you, but all the stories will prevent you from misplacing your trust. At first you will think as you read that the stories are fake, but after just a few chapters you’ll be hooked!

Use the Link Below to get your copy

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Making Money in Shibuya


Making Money in Shibuya

Between the bright lights and dark alleys of Shibuya, two souls intertwine in a dance of risk and romance.

Kai is imminently screwed.

A service job and a risky resume of tagging gigs is not enough to keep a guy going in Shibuya, Japan, much less make tuition in the premier art program that could elevate his passion to a workable living. Debts growing and the notion of crawling back to his abusive homelife more and more inevitable, he needs to come up with a way to make money, fast.

When Kai comes across the website of a dubious companion service, it seems like he may have found his save. Escort work is dangerous, but Kai can handle hanging with some rando long enough to get paid, right?

But then Kai receives an offer—one far above his asking price.

Joza is the exact type of client Kai dreaded: suspicious, flirtatious, and pretentious to extremes. Even as the man grates on him, Kai finds him strangely compelling, a fellow artist trapped in a cycle of non-starters whose isolating life rings familiar. Joza has his own secrets, though, and each new revelation sends up red flags. As yakuza-like music teachers, mysterious phone calls, and Joza’s secret history complicate his growing attraction, will this dubious contract be worth risking Kai’s heart?

Get your copy today to unravel the intrigue and temptation of Kai's uncertain new world.

**CONTENT WARNING: This novel involves a few INTENSE scenes revolving around mental health. Proceed with caution. If you would like details, please visit my website at

Friday, November 17, 2023

Bubbles & Balls


Bubbles & Balls:

'Trust your balls 'cos I grew a big . . pair to move on in my life' 

Bubbles & Balls: Filled With Words of Love, Motivation & Inspiration – Transmute Negative Energy & Take Control Of Your Life Following Your Heart - Trusting Your Instincts & You’ll have a laugh too. 
Are you feeling trapped with the challenges in your life, consuming your soul?
You know who you are - Love and appreciate All that YOU are – You’ve got this. 
The more vulnerable you seem, the more power people have over you.
Time to reevaluate - Muster up Courage, Strength, energy and take control of your own destiny. Conquering difficult times herself, author Carol Singer has flaunted her creativity in the book ‘Bubbles & Balls’ to inspire you to love yourself just the way you are.
In this book, you’ll find:
• Drive to listen to your inner voice - Trust your instinct.
• Muster up the courage and strength - Take control of your life.
• Power to spread positive energy wherever you go.
• Force the shift in mindset - feel safe.
• The spirit to let go of the ego and evolve.
• & much, much more. 
So ‘Trust your balls, your Worth, your Uniqueness – You’ve got this’

This is my Crazy FUN Quick boost read created in Lockdown to raise the Vibrational Frequency with love and inspire, motivate all to trust their gut, their knowing and act on in it and shine their light. My debut book with more in the wings.

Author Bio
Carol Singer is an incredibly creative and free-spirited individual who is a professional singer, dancer, and the proud author of the book “Bubbles & Balls” which is focused on uplifting and motivating people to step out of their comfort zone and trust their gut to lead a happy and fulfilling life. From a Degree in Dance to Physiology and Anatomy I & II, she acquired them all and honed her skills performing in the UK and overseas. But life was not as fancy as it sounds.
Being a single parent amidst the chaos of the pandemic, she stood firm against the challenges of life without giving up. She kept her inner light glowing and found relief in art and writing. Her mission has always been to lift others up while connecting to oneself and other souls on the journey to be the best of what we can be. It took Carol a lot to truly love herself from the core and let go of the negativities that hampered her mental peace. Not more than a year ago, she was technophobic but she practiced what she preached and stepped out of her comfort zone to hone her skills with technologies. 
Young and strong at heart, Carol, at the age of 55 discovered that she was an empath. Ever since, her life took a different turn as she re-programmed and re-wired her thinking to rise above and trust her act and intuition. Carol dedicatedly submitted herself to follow her heart and live as a humanitarian for all. She believes in spreading positive energy and putting a smile on people’s faces. Carol feels in her heart that fun and laughter are some of the best ways to heal and ‘She trusted herself, grew a big pair and moved on in her life’

KDP Select FREE days are
28th October Saturday 31st October Tuesday
4th November 8th November and 12th November

If anyone could pop a review on there that would be great.

Interactive Word Search: Puzzles with Fun Facts, Trivia & Challenges for Adults

  Interactive Word Search: Puzzles with Fun Facts, Trivia & Challenges for Adults Interactive Word Search: A Fun & Engaging Puzzle ...