Thursday, June 20, 2024

When Worlds Collide--Christianity vs Anti-Christianity

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When Worlds Collide--Christianity vs Anti-Christianity:

Briefings From The Impact Zone--

Manifestations of Wokeness

When Worlds Collide--Christianity vs Anit-Christianity-Briefings From The Impact Zone-Manifestations of Wokeness

Are you sick of being referred to as “deplorable” and bigoted because of your Christian beliefs? Have you noticed this is getting worse almost daily? Do you feel under attack by the political and social Left, commonly known today as the “Woke”? Do you feel alone and isolated? Well, you are not alone and isolated; the government, from the local to the Federal, and the media, systems, and institutions it controls just want you to believe that you are. This book will show you that you are not alone and will point out many examples of the “manifestations” of the Woke agenda and its overall attitudes and worldview, along with my responses from a Christian point of view which you will find helpful as you “go out among the Woke mobs”.

Those of us who are Christians are under attack by the Woke cult! Our Churches and our Christian beliefs are under attack. The traditional family is under attack. Our speech is under attack and is being censored, and some of us have been “canceled” because of it. Our country is under attack.

My book is a collection of “briefings” that were written over the last few years in response to what I call a “collision of two worlds”, one good and beautiful and the other anti-good and ugly, or more appropriately, one Christian and one anti-Christian. These briefings will point out examples of current issues, attitudes, beliefs, and events that are happening now and will continue to happen if Christians and their Churches do not begin to speak out more boldly and courageously to those who are persecuting us and destroying our country. In each briefing, I have offered my understanding of the Woke issues, attitudes, beliefs, and events and my response to them from a Christian point of view. Some of the topics I have responded to are:

  • Abortion
  • Transgenderism & drag queens
  • Finding oneself and “being who we are”
  • The “social gospel”
  • The Woke’s hijack and distortion of the word “love”
  • Woke distortions of scripture to promote their political and social agendas
  • The shooting at the Covenant Christian School

This book is not a “scholarly” or “academic” type of book. I've written it for you and to you as if I were speaking with you over a cup of coffee, a glass of wine, or a beer. I am one of you. My book is intentionally very readable and easy to understand. Inside this book you will find my thoughts and responses to much of the ungodly nonsense we see coming from the Left and Woke mobs and their ungodly religions--their “-isms”.

The “forerunners” of the anti-Christ are alive and well, and they are operating freely in all aspects of our culture. They attack our way of life and the truth and values we hold dear. They are the people who now persecute us through all modern means at their disposal--governments, the press, social media, schools and universities, entertainments, sports--essentially through every system and institution of our modern society. They are the citizens of the world that has collided with ours, and we now live in the “impact zone”.

Do people not see that there is a rise of something, a “global wave rising and washing across the planet”? It is happening, and it is not the way things were created to be. We can “feel it in the air” and see and hear it daily. Those who persecute us will find this book to be “offensive”. To them I say, so be it. Bring it on!

John Rahall, Orthodox Christian

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