Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Get Off The Ladder

 Book Cover

“Get Off the Ladder” is a personal/professional development book geared at anyone looking to lead a more fulfilling life, however is struggling with the "status quo". That is because we have been given the idea that success, satisfaction and fulfillment largely falls on our professional accolades, and whether or not we have made it to the proverbial "top"— much like the idea of climbing the ladder. We have been told that we should just keep on climbing, regardless of how high it is, and shouldn’t feel any satisfaction in our efforts until we get to the very top.

However what happens when the top never seems to come? When the ladder is too tall for us to ever climb? Or when the ladder is so short, we reach the top quickly and are left wondering "is that it?". Dr. Vallario breaks these ideas—and more—down as he explores a better way in his new book. Using psychology backed theories to update the old ideas of success and fulfillment for a new world. Taking the concept of walking a single linear path, and bending it into a cyclical process that we can use over and over again to have fulfillment be a continuous part of our lives.

The underlying tone of the book is taking action, and building a life we want. With the idea that it isn’t about being successful once, in on thing. Rather it is having success be a regular aspect of our daily life. So satisfaction in our accomplishment is something we feel all the time. This is how we sustain growth, and lead the life we want, rather than the one we are told to. So that instead of reaching fulfillment at the end, we lead a life rich with fulfillment.

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