Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Let Your Soul Dance In The Wind Journal

Did you know that you are a beautiful sunflower? Yes, you reading this description! Let Your Soul Dance in the Wind, is not just a journal but its a tool to help you get to that next step. The step of waking up and knowing who I am as a person and being proud Flaws and All. Embark on a journey with positive affirmations to get you through a writing session. Easy to carry while you're traveling. 


Monday, June 29, 2020

Advanced Chakra Balancing and Chakra Healing Using Water

Advanced Chakra Balancing and Chakra Healing Using Water: 

Harnessing the Amazing Healing Power of Water to Heal the 7 Chakras and your Chakra System

“Water has memory, it has power, and it responds to the vibrations around it… This book will teach you how to use powerful visualization techniques to heal and cleanse your 7 chakras using the great energetic power of the element we all take the most for granted.”
In Chakra Balancing for Beginners, Dr. Quantum and Dr. Matt A. draw on years of advanced research into holistic healing, chakra meditation and the unique healing properties of water to offer you proven and powerful methods for self-healing and balancing all 7 chakras and the entire chakra system. 
There are no additional purchases required, like the meditation videos, yoga mats or chakra crystals needed for other chakra instruction books and the simple mind, body and soul healing exercises can be done in only minutes each day!
In this innovative new chakra guide, you will learn:
  • Powerful methods for balancing, energy healing and aligning all seven chakra points: Root chakra, sacral chakra, third eye chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra and crown chakra, using only water
  • Chakra for beginners - how to purify water in your body’s cells (your body’s water becomes polluted by negative emotions, self-doubt and high stress), which allows positive energy and chakra energy to flow freely through your body, promoting harmony, serenity and spiritual healing throughout your body and soul
  • How to use water to overcome common health issues and psychological problems that face all of us: low self-esteem, worrying, chronic pain, low libido, hypertension, anger issues, fear, social anxiety and weight problems
  • How to use one-cup and two-cup water exercises to promote chakra balance and chakra healing of each of the seven chakras
  • A powerful daily two-cup water technique that heals and balances your entire chakra system, resulting in love and acceptance of whatever is causing you pain or discontent in your life


Sunday, June 28, 2020


KEEPSAKES is a 24 page Black-and-White comic book, telling the story of two siblings who step into their late father’s basement and find his collection of mysterious and horrifying items.

Each of those items comes with their own story- an SD card from a broken camera, a firefighter’s uniform, a box of baseball caps, a folder full of receipts from a restaurant. As they encounter each item, we learn their story, and we get a sense of… what else could possibly be hidden down in their dad’s basement.


Friday, June 26, 2020

A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Manipulate

A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Manipulate

Michael Sunset’s memoir describes text book narcissistic abuse. It details the way he was systematically manipulated by his ex-wife, her father, his own mother, and sister primarily to believe he had a mental illness that he did not have. His ex-wife worked to manipulate mental health professionals and the family court system to obtain control of their finances and daughter during their divorce process. He describes how confusing this type of abuse is to experience and how to defend against it. 

Many victims experience emotional abuse in the form of gaslighting, projection, smear campaigns, stonewalling, reality distortions, and financial abuse. A narcissist, sociopath, or psychopath will use anyone they can as a tool to manipulate a situation in an attempt to get what they want. They are often successful at getting you to doubt yourself along getting others to doubt you. This leaves targets or victims feeling depressed, numb, paralyzed, confused, and in some cases suicidal. It can also cause severe anxiety, rumination, and leave you feeling alone. Many victims that have children with a narcissist have an extremely difficult time managing emotions during long drawn out custody battles.

This book will describe the steps you can take to successfully navigate the Court process. There are many people out there wondering what happened and how to pick up the pieces to move on with their lives as a result of this type of abuse. This book will give readers insight as to what that experience is like and how to do successfully take back their life!


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Tusk and Timber

Tusk and Timber is a book of poetry and perspective. The title inspired by the scene in The Jungle Book where Mowgli learns to bow to the elephants. A show of respect for the giants who make the jungle's beauty with their strength which becomes our own. 

Tusk and Timber is a reminder to start somewhere. Tear down a ceiling to honor those who have come before, will come after, and to honor your own journey. We each are destined to be elephants in life and by using our stories and the stories of those who have paved the way, we clear forest for multitudes of greatness to exist. We, who Tusk and Timber, will not do so in vain. It may fall, but only to rise ahead after rain. This is the poetry that meets process and overcomes.


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Damaged Hearts

• A chance encounter connects them.
• Their tragic pasts bond them.
• An unexpected love surprises them.
• And an unseen danger threatens them.
• Love doesn't have a chance...or does it?

When 19-year-old military veteran Brandon Hawkins is attacked on Venice Beach by a gang of frat boys, he is saved by Michelangelo Curtis, a passerby. Michelangelo was roaming the boardwalk grieving the death of his twin brother six months earlier. The two men’s unexpected encounter forges a strong bond between the damaged and lonely men.

Inviting the homeless Bran to his place for some food and a shower, 25-year-old Michelangelo finds himself drawn to the younger man. Neither of the men is gay. But before long, their friendship morphs into something like love and takes them both by surprise.

And they have something else in common: The frat boys are out for revenge!


Monday, June 22, 2020

A Woman Does It Better: A Political Satire

A Woman Does It Better: A Political Satire

A Woman Does It Better - smart, sassy satire from a future woman President who changes the crazy world of politics forever with her smarts. She gets rid of the IRS, stops war, changes the future forever by investing in education -not testing! Fun, fast, controversial - worth your time!


Sunday, June 21, 2020

Art of Forgiveness: Guide to Healing through Meditation

Art of Forgiveness: 

Guide to Healing through Meditation

Art of Forgiveness is a self-coaching manual designed to engage your mind with self-remembrance visualization drills. This book has been developed as a mindfulness strength and conditioning training program designed to recalibrate your demeanor and expand your ability to counteract negative self-talk by dedicating mental devotion to family and friends.

Meditation cultivates an intimate relationship within yourself via various attention techniques (daily breathing techniques, thought management, and stillness modifications) - to train your inner state to become more aware, achieve mental clarity, and attain emotional calmness.

Traditional mindfulness instruction requires the practitioner to fixate their complete attention on nothingness or hypnotize themselves with a mantra until their mind wanders. This conventional method of concentration training easily breaks underneath a tidal wave of incessant, divergent, and convergent thoughts, obliterating your ability to remain still or attain presence.

What you can learn from this book:
• Healing meditations to establish and develop self-forgiveness
• Best exercises to recall, reflect, and release harmful memories
• Most effective ways to release stress and anxiety from the mind
• Unique methods to liberate difficult mental and emotional states
• Expert options for choosing the best meditation technique for you. 

This book will help you restore balance to your life and help you recognize the beauty of any given moment in an everyday chaotic world. The lessons of self-reflection will help you observe your thoughts, identify negative mental blocks, and areas for growth.

Transform feelings of vengeance, guilt, shame, and resentment into a composed state of equanimity.  Evolve beyond the current limitations of your disposition by strengthening your focus and attention. Adapt to the present moment in a way that provides you a wealth of mental stability, emotional capacity, and the ability to remain undisturbed.

Using easy to learn lessons, Art of Forgiveness will teach you how to become more comfortable in your being by forgiving the past, focusing on loved ones, and enjoy newly-found moments of peace.


Saturday, June 20, 2020

The New CBT

The New CBT is the first work that explains the etiology of, and treatment for, all major DSM / ICD conditions using a novel evolutionary and behavioral-genetic approach. The book has already been recognized as an important advance in the field by figures like cognitive scientist Arthur Reber, evolutionary psychologist Todd Shackelford, and co-founder of modern behavioral genetics Robert Plomin.


Friday, June 19, 2020

Panorama: The Missing Chapter: From the Memoir Views from the Cockpit


The Missing Chapter: 

From the Memoir Views from the Cockpit

After enduring a panic attack which left the author attached to breathing machines around foreign doctors, the bisexual-themed Panorama—The Missing Chapter of Views from the Cockpit: The Journey of a Son, expands on the author’s experiences working and living abroad in Seoul, South Korea. 
After a friendship ignites and morphs into a curious tale of parallel souls with a Brazilian-American soldier serving in the U.S. military, Panorama reflects on the author’s contemplations to return to a crumbling family life in Los Angeles or to endure his life in Seoul for an end-of-contract cash payout, until things take an unexpected turn.

In Panorama, the author broadens his stance on the importance of moments spotlighting isolation and exposing the perks and ailments of escapism. With precise prose and a thought-provoking storyline that covers eating live octopus, philosophical debates about the gender of God, pregnancy, and bisexual erasure—Panorama stands tall as a connected yet separate story. Panorama puts biphobia under a microscope by exposing double discrimination with consideration to cultural intersections of race and religion.

Using the death of his father and brother as the linchpin to personal development, the author reframes pain and loss into resilience and personal achievement. He provides a template for readers to overcome limiting beliefs and turn their unique story into a source of empowerment.

The author reminds readers that as daunting as the vicissitudes of life, and no matter the view from the cockpit of life, the human spirit cannot, and should not, be restrained in loss or passion, and while truth may be the bitterest pill of them all, the effects of truth can bring us closer to an unbroken life.


Thursday, June 18, 2020

Don't Answer! : A Phone Call From Hell

It's a phone call from hell that terrorizes humanity. A young lady name Kate witnesses everyone who answers their cell phone begins doing demonic and strange things. How can you call for help, when everyone around is evil and possessed after answering their phones? How can you call for help, knowing if you use your phone, you become wicked?


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Media's Early Warning Effect: The Timelier Deployment of Peacekeeping Operations

This book discusses the strong capacity of media to cover the early warning signs of a humanitarian crisis, which can result in the timelier authorisation and deployment of a peacekeeping operation. The main hypothesis is that since mass media have the ability to transmit information; produce publicly constituted surveillance processes and influence public opinion, they can also support early warning signs of crises. This can be facilitated through real-time reporting and project development that will create a vigorous global network of human monitors to inspire popular support and the necessary pressure to deploy a peacekeeping operation. To support her hypothesis, the author has used both primary and secondary research, including the review & analysis of 21 books, 24 interviews, 134 survey respondents and 4 basic case studies - that of Somalia, Bosnia, Rwanda and FYROM.


Tuesday, June 16, 2020


Gary Erakleous’ new book “Chrysalis” is a thrilling novel about science, technology, and drama, a galvanizing opus on meandering circumstances revolving around people caught in a rivalry for power and recognition. “Chrysalis”: a riveting journey of action and emotional turmoil among colleagues in the medical field. 

When a molecular biologist discovers a miraculous vaccine, the pharmaceutical industry is eager to get hold of it, but when he refuses to reveal the elements of his formula, all hell breaks loose . . .  
Vincent, an idealistic, unassuming research scientist, together with his bright assistant, Dorothy, discover a vaccine that when injected into the human body heals any wounded organ. He tests the vaccine for the first time on a teenager, Lucas, Dorothy’s son, after a terrible car accident, and Lucas begins to recover. Vincent’s rival, Kushner, the materialistic and greedy director of a pharmaceutical company, kidnaps Lucas in a desperate attempt to find the components of the vaccine and produce it. 
Vincent and Dorothy accuse Kushner of the kidnapping because of the rivalry that exists between them. Unfortunately for them, the kidnapping was executed in such a cunning way that they cannot prove their suspicions to the police. On the contrary, the police suspects Vincent of experimenting with the vaccine and causing Lucas’s death. It falls upon Vincent’s and Dorothy’s shoulders to prove their innocence, but above all to find Lucas before Kushner wipes him out after he is done with the experiments. 
The plot is teeming with twists and turns, a gripping series of events and an emotional outpouring of grief and courage from a mother who struggles against a well-organized criminal conspiracy to save her son. 

Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Gary Erakleous’ new book is sure to captivate the interest of readers and fill their minds with excitement and anticipation. 


Monday, June 15, 2020

Short Stories and Assorted Nightmares

Short Stories and Assorted Nightmares 

It is August 1943 in Benghazi, Libya. Ed Mayfield, part of a B-24 Liberator bomber crew, is awakened from a nightmare, and assigned to a major air campaign that is no less terrifying.
Frank is a lonely, almost desperate man, due to an unexpected new-found freedom. In an old bookstore, he finds finds an unlikely companion—a parrot—a curious creature that takes Frank under its wing(s). 
It is 2048 and a spacecraft speeds toward Mars. Inside is Specialist J. Murphy Cameron, preparing to live out his life-long dream of excavating an ancient civilization on another planet. He digs up more than expected.
Ken, his brother, and their wives think they’re off on a voyage to spread the ashes of the Ken’s father but instead have set sail into the steamy and turbulent waters of stormy relations and dark secrets.
David is ready to put an end to it all and check out—for good. Unfortunately, he has no idea who is waiting for him on the other side.
In Short Stories and Assorted Nightmares, Mark A. Snyder leads others on a journey from the everyday to the extraordinary. This collection of nine deliciously wicked tales and curiosities piques the imagination, conjures stirrings in the darkest corners of the mind and will appeal to fans of horror and science fiction alike.


Sunday, June 14, 2020

The Stain

The Stain

Born of bloodshed, a prolific stain, fed by the sins of earliest man….The Simmons moved into 228 Briar Street. With two growing children needing a stable routine and a house to call home, Marc and Claire settled into the old red brick, unaware of the neighborhood’s dirty little secret. In the dark and unfamiliar depths of the basement it lurks. It desires to manipulate the family into destructive chaos as it has countless times past and as far back as there were settlers in this plot of land, feed upon both flesh and the ecstasy of its dark influence. And not just in this house. It is old, mischievous, and inherently evil. It is...
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Saturday, June 13, 2020

Beautiful Prison: A Memoir of Isolation, Neglect, and Abuse

Beautiful Prison:

A Memoir of Isolation, Neglect, and Abuse 

A gripping and emotional but seriously flawed life of one family's will to survive alone together, off-the-grid, while braving the wilderness with courage to survive and with a desire to defy the odds to remain alive - all based on a true story.

Beautiful Prison is a story of family suffering from domestic abuse by a manipulative and abusive father who isolates his family into the wild untamed Idahoan Mountains. The incredible true story portrays the lessons learned through the eyes of childhood emotional neglect from an emotionally immature parent and how eight siblings who survived an unspeakable childhood found the road back from surviving the forest.

One mother discovers all that's wrong with the spiral of toxic events which led to the ultimate survival of her children and why a meaningful life is not supposed to be this way. Running on empty, she learned how to stop doubting and do what it takes to reverse childhood adversity and promote self healing through self-discovery.

Friday, June 12, 2020

The Nonsense of Men

A down to earth guide for women who want their power back! A book written by man about men. It's a look at traditional relationships through the lense of a marketing professional and entrepreneur. In this book we explain how the fundamental human behaviors, exploited by the marketing world for ages, can also be used by women to manage their relationships in a more healthy way. Also in this book, we explore the underlying science of relationships. Basically, what makes men and women different both physiologically and socially and how women can use this to their advantage in relationships.

Interactive Word Search: Puzzles with Fun Facts, Trivia & Challenges for Adults

  Interactive Word Search: Puzzles with Fun Facts, Trivia & Challenges for Adults Interactive Word Search: A Fun & Engaging Puzzle ...