Friday, October 2, 2020

Divine Unity: A collection of love poems and notes for my divine masculine

Divine Unity:

A collection of love poems and notes 

for my divine masculine

Anchored in love is the unaltered and unwavering love of self. It is only then can one experience a true Divine Unity. Expressions of self-love are often misconstrued as being selfish, when, in reality self-Love is a very selfless and much needed practice. For how can one truly love anyone or anything else without first coming into love and appreciation of self? ‘Divine Unity, Anchored in Love,” will resonate with any and every one that has dared to love through the freedom of no expectations. This love is known as an unconditional love and unconditional love never dies. Be inspired.

About the Author
Author of “Surviving the Narc,” and Intuitive Life Coach, Althisha Matthews has created another wonderful work of art to help heal and inspire mankind with her gifts. A native of Atlanta, Georgia, she continues her work through philanthropy and her 12 Step adolescence program for pre-teenage girls entitled “C.R.O.W.N Her?”, which encourages young women to embrace femininity and challenge them to reshape learned patterns of social norm, while accepting and living their individual truth. Althisha currently resides with her family and enjoys volunteer work in her spare time.

In her own words...
Inspired by divine creativity, I have comprised the following collective pieces of art in totality of 5 hours. Taking the time for deep and soulful self-exploration has allowed me to gather a better understanding of my own personal journey in love. I trust my experiences and my work will ignite your passion, creativity and provide some possible insight for your own journey in love. Many blessings and patience be upon you in love and light.

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