Tuesday, May 18, 2021



DotLand: the Politics of America

This new illustrated children's book about "DotLand" calls for a better educated and more informed electorate in America with a plan that's targeted to help grades three through six, starting with a simplified and factual explanation of the core policy perspectives of both the Democratic (BlueDot) and Republican (RedDot) parties, and their consequences for its citizens. Children now have an opportunity to learn about the two major American political parties' basics and why informed voting is so important, without skewed viewpoints, misreported information, or social influence. It also explains how misleading media -- fake news -- became a thing in America and resulted in a more polarized political landscape. The book closes with a solution that calls for students to take an early role in being part of the solution by becoming better educated and more politically informed now so they will be ready to take on the important role as a voting citizen when their time comes.

The whimsical minimalist illustrations of the 'Dots' in DotLand by American graphic artist Mauro Semedo range in color on the spectrum from Blue to Red, illustrating how VioletDots and PurpleDots have become more polarized to extremes of Red and Blue, showing the consequences of the parties' platform choices, the polarization resulting from conservative media's race for ratings, and the hopeful solution education provides. Author C. L. Buchanan studied Public Relations under Col. Arlyn Powell, a legend in the field, at the University of Alabama's School of Communications and interned with Viewpoint Communications on political campaigns in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana during the 1970s.

Click below to get DotLand 

of visit the Author's Website

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