Saturday, April 30, 2022

Fishta The Talking Fish and Others


This book will teach kids to use their words to communicate, understand and explain each other. Effective communication will build understanding, trust, and a healthy relationship. Fishta will teach kids how to use their words and be happy.

n this version, Fishta teaches our children to speak up when they are in fear or danger or are simply uncomfortable and inform their parents and / or guardians immediately. In this book, Fishta the Talking Fish saves itself from danger by communicating with trusted family.

This book motivates kids that they are a star in their world. They are loved, accepted, and admired by their family, friends, and neighbors. Whether it’s read to them, or they read it themselves, it will make them feel loved and special.

For all Children, Our children are a STAR, they are loved by parents, family, relative, friends and everybody. this will build love in their spirit and soul. I am a STAR, Children will build their emotion and spirit by their family love and acceptance.

Forced Sex Trafficking: What It is and How You Can End It


Christopher Armitage's research over years of interviews and data collection are brought together to create a book which is the key introduction to understanding what forced sex trafficking is and what any of us can do to help end it.

We can't just wait around for the most disgusting scourges that face humanity to be cleaned up by someone else. If you're looking at this book, it's because you're not content hoping someone else gets to making things right.

After gathering research from travel on three continents, interviews with victims, non-profit aid workers, former CIA operatives, and many other official and unofficial sources, this book will give you exactly what the title says. The result means you're armed with the tools to take personal responsibility in the mission of destroying the universally reviled crime against humanity known as forced sex trafficking.


Friday, April 29, 2022

No Word of a Lie


No Word Of a Lie:

A completely accurate account of the last 185 years, told through the eyes of the worlds oldest Galapagos tortoise

'No Word Of a Lie' is a comic novel recounting the last one hundred and eighty-five years of history told through the eyes of Jonathan, the world’s oldest Galapagos tortoise. Based on historical fact, his life has been a cavalcade of incident but perhaps due to his advancing years he is a reptile with a tendency to confuse the truth at times, though his heart is always in the right place.In this collection of memoirs he recounts the stand out incidents that have shaped his long life on earth. From his encounters with Hitler in an Austrian zoo, to meeting Charles Dickens in a boozy dockside tavern. Inventing the sick bag whilst taking part in the maiden flight of the Wright Flyer, to being arrested for sitting on an Alabama bus with Rosa Parks. And of course there is his ill-fated appearance on Blue Peter in the 1970s, when he soiled the studio floor.But as well as being a history of the past 185 years told by someone who’s lived it 'No Word of a Lie' is also a meditation on the ageing process. A frank and honest account of the lessons one learns, the clothes from the eighties one must avoid wearing again, and the importance of true love and real friends. A story that is shared before the restaurant bill finally arrives and Death presents him with the true cost of living, a price that means he can at last hibernate in peace for an eternity...hopefully.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Asperger Husband


The Asperger Husband

After adversity struck, Lisa was compelled to tell her her story. It’s her gift to others who might be struggling to save or improve their marriage and family life. If Lisa had known certain things during her marriage or even before, life could have turned out very differently. She spent her marriage behind the scenes helping the man she loved function to the best of his ability while catering to their family. Her initial fascination with his oddities and eccentricities became her worst nightmare. When Michael's behavior took a turn for the worse, Lisa searched for answers to help him and save their long marriage. Only after fate took hold was the mystery of what ailed Michael solved. Lisa found solace in writing her legacy about living with a spouse on the spectrum.

Click here to get The Asperger Husband on Amazon / Kindle 


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Lettuce Love


"Lettuce" Love

This book is a collection of texts to a lover. They are collected as one big, religious, romantic, and poetic literary art work.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

The Missing Link - An Adoption Memoir


The Missing Link - An Adoption Memoir
Stacy didn't know where her journey would take her when she set out to find her birth parents. Through the highs and lows of her search, she learned not to give up and to overcome even seemingly impossible obstacles and roadblocks. With a strong foundation from the loving parents who adopted her, Stacy found the strength to continue her quest to learn more about her birth parents, even when things got hard and painful.

Told with honesty, detail, and offering hope to other adoptees, this story will leave a lasting impression about the importance of finding biological parents and how that can help an adopted child discover part of who they are.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Make Peace With Anxiety


Manage the Good, Bad and Out of Control
Emotions are an essential part of being human—anxiety included. Anxiety appears when the mind determines it is necessary to handle certain moments, situations, or at the perceived appropriate time. However, if anxiety manifests as excessive worrying leading to unreasonable fear, unhealthy behaviors, or physical pain, there is a problem. The good news is anxiety won’t stop you from living a beautiful life; all you must do is manage it well.

Inside the book, the author shares a series of experiences and information to help you find:

- how to decipher if your anxiety is healthy or not

- a word on mental health stigma

- how spirituality and self-growth aids anxiety management

- what to consider when selecting emotional and medical support

- the importance of wellness and living consciously

It is time to make peace with anxiety!


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Scribblings of My Soul


Scribblings Of My Soul: A Poetry Collection

Scribblings Of My Soul, is a poetry compilation of 9 Words, 9 Sections, 9 Emotions, 9 Poems and 9 Artworks. SMILE with all your HEART gathering STRENGTH from LIFE, shedding any lingering PAIN to learn the TRUTH of LOVE and HOPE, walking towards the LIGHT.

* Winner of 2021 International Impact Book Awards.

* Winner of 2021 Firebird Book Award.

* Winner of 2022 Literary Titan Award.

* Honorable Mention- Southern California Book Festival.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Natasha's Prison


Natasha's Prison:

Healing From Your Prison I Never Knew I Was In

Natasha’s Prison is a heartfelt story written about Harry and Natasha. The harmonious relationship between the betrothed ended abruptly, leaving Harry in despair and fighting for freedom from his depression. He uncovered a web of twisted truths and many riddles. The phoenix rose from the ashes.

During the early years of Harry and Natasha’s relationship, the bond of the twin flames grew stronger. Neither of the two knew that they were a twin flame. The two were inseparable and conquered all of their dreams and challenges as a team. They travelled through many parts of China. Later they decided to start a new life in Thailand. The experience of starting a new life and career motivated them more to create a secure future. They returned to China after three months.

Their relationship was as strong as ever, and they were on the road to their next goal. Then it all changed with one incoming text message, one person and one irresistible force of nature. The events to follow are painful and psychologically dark. The runner of the twin flame ran. Through days and months of facing depression, trying to fight the depression, Harry started counselling and realized he was spinning in a room filled with his fears, doubts and insecurities. He became clinically depressed. An unfortunate turn of events triggered a point seemingly unable to return.

Harry is telling his story of a life with Natasha as a token of paying it forward for any person in our vast world experiencing similar experiences. Not to give up but fight for your own freedom.

Click here to get Natasha's Prison on Amazon / Kindle 

Click here to get Natasha's Prison on Barnes & Noble

Click here to get Natasha's Prison on Google Play


Saturday, April 16, 2022

You Can't Make This Sh*t Up!


You Can't Make This Sh*t Up

Have you ever wondered how aware, intelligent, capable people find themselves caught in abusive relationships?

This is the paradox of abuse, because manipulation, coercive control and violence within relationships does not discriminate based on culture, education, religion, financial status, gender, age or background. The truth is, it can happen to anyone. Perhaps even you? And with the growth of online dating and social media platforms anyone can be connected with a romance scammer, serial liar, coercive manipulator, abuser, or violent perpetrator within the blink of an eye.

This is what happened to Louise Dell, however, it doesn’t have to be this way for you.

In “You Can’t Make This Sh*t Up!” Louise shares her remarkable story of transformation as her life went from one of abuse and fear to one of love and respect. With practical insights and essential resources to help identify the most common red flags which can indicate problems before you enter a relationship, how to examine your existing partnership to see the warning signs of abuse if you are already in a relationship and ways to empower yourself to leave and recover if you are being abused by your partner, this book may just change the way you think about abuse and its victims, forever.

In this inspiring book, you will learn:
  • How to see the early signs of lies, manipulation, coercion and abuse when dating.
  • Why your dreams of finding the one can make you vulnerable to manipulation.
  • Practical information, useful resources and simple action steps for those facing abuse.
  • The key steps to protect yourself, plan your escape and gain support.
  • How to heal, recover and find yourself to rebuild your life.
  • What you can do to help a friend or family member caught in an abusive relationship.
  • And much more.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

3 Things Narcissists Don't Want You to Know


When you come out of a narcissistic relationship, you are in pieces. Your mind is fighting you and the addiction to return to the relationship is overwhelming. There is another way, another choice. From victim to survivor, there is a better place to get to. This book helps you explore 3 areas to gain awareness and develop tools to help you. The book explores what you have been through and re-enforces you are not alone; that you are worth the healing journey to the amazing person you know you are.


Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Readers Favorite Book Award Contest


Contest Features
  • Chance to win one of $50,000 in free prizes just for entering.
  • Chance to have your book made into a movie or TV show.
  • Chance to be published by an award winning traditional publisher.
  • Chance to be represented by a leading author marketing and PR firm.
  • Chance to be represented by a leading literary management company.
  • Additional award competition for illustrated books.
  • More features including a book review, award ceremony, and publicity.

Become an award-winning author! Book awards grab the attention of bookstores, publishers, libraries and readers, which can translate into increased sales. If you place in our contest you will be able to add your Readers' Favorite award seal to your book and all other marketing materials as well as identify your book as an "award-winning book" and you as an "award-winning author."

We accept manuscripts, published and unpublished books, eBooks, audiobooks, comic books, poetry books and short stories in 140+ genres. We do not have a word count restriction or a publication date requirement, which means it does not matter when or if your book was published. We are an international competition, but your work must be in English. 

Win one of $50,000 in prizes just for entering

All authors are automatically entered to win one of more than 200 prizes worth a combined total of $50,000 just by entering the Readers' Favorite International Book Award Contest. Prizes are generously donated by industry experts who support our contest and our authors. Winners are picked at random, and it does not matter how many categories you entered or whether you won an award or not. Prize winners will be announced on September 1st along with the contest results.

Traffic Secrets


Traffic Secrets:

The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream Customers

Master the evergreen traffic strategies to fill your website and funnels with your dream customers in this timeless book from the $100M entrepreneur and co-founder of the software company ClickFunnels.

The biggest problem that most entrepreneurs have isn't creating an amazing product or service; it's getting their future customers to discover that they even exist. Every year, tens of thousands of businesses start and fail because the entrepreneurs don't understand this one essential skill: the art and science of getting tra­ffic (or people) to find you.
And that is a tragedy.
Traffic Secrets was written to help you get your message out to the world about your products and services. I strongly believe that entrepreneurs are the only people on earth who can actually change the world. It won't happen in government, and I don't think it will happen in schools.
It'll happen because of entrepreneurs like you, who are crazy enough to build products and services that will actually change the world. It'll happen because we are crazy enough to risk everything to try and make that dream become a reality.
To all the entrepreneurs who fail in their first year of business, what a tragedy it is when the one thing they risked everything for never fully gets to see the light of day.
Waiting for people to come to you is not a strategy.
Understanding exactly WHO your dream customer is, discovering where they're congregating, and throwing out the hooks that will grab their attention to pull them into your funnels (where you can tell them a story and make them an offer) is the strategy. That's the big secret.
Traffic is just people. This book will help you find YOUR people, so you can focus on changing their world with the products and services that you sell.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

A North Lawndale Journey of Faith


A North Lawndale Journey of Faith:

The Testimony of an Ex-Offender

A North Lawndale Journey of Faith: The Testimony of an Ex-Offender is story about a gifted man who found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time and was incarcerated for a crime he did not commit. Even more, it is the inspiring story of a man whose steadfast faith showed itself early and how it propelled him into a life of commitment and service to a community that many would have abandoned upon achieving the success that he did.

Interactive Word Search: Puzzles with Fun Facts, Trivia & Challenges for Adults

  Interactive Word Search: Puzzles with Fun Facts, Trivia & Challenges for Adults Interactive Word Search: A Fun & Engaging Puzzle ...