Monday, December 23, 2024

The Stem, The Rod, And The Branch: The Anointed

 Book Cover

The Stem, The Rod, And The Branch:

The Anointed

In the midst of an age marked by unprecedented global turmoil, spiritual hunger, and political unrest, the world stands on the brink of a new prophetic awakening. The Bible speaks of a generation that will witness the return of Jesus Christ and the fulfillment of His promises—an age when prophets will rise up with a bold voice to prepare the world for the second coming of the Lord. "The Rise of the End-Time Prophet" is a timely exploration of this prophetic movement and the emerging voices that are calling the Church and the nations to heed God’s final message before the end of the age.

Throughout history, prophets have played pivotal roles in God's redemptive plan. From the prophets of the Old Testament who heralded God's judgments and promises, to the voices of John the Baptist and the apostles who prepared the way for Christ's first coming, the prophetic office has always been central to the heart of God. In the last days, Scripture assures us that God will pour out His Spirit on all people, and sons and daughters will prophesy (Acts 2:17). As the world spirals into confusion, a remnant of faithful prophets is rising up—anointed and empowered to declare God’s word with boldness, clarity, and urgency.

This book is a guide to understanding the role of the prophet in these final days. It examines the characteristics of an end-time prophet, their message, and the impact they will have on the Church and the world. Drawing from biblical prophecy, contemporary accounts, and the experiences of modern-day prophets, we will explore how God is raising up a new generation of messengers who will stand firm in the face of persecution, deception, and darkness.

Click here to get

The Stem, The Rod, And The Branch: The Anointed

on Amazon / Kindle / Kindle Unlimited 

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