Tuesday, September 6, 2022

How To Plan For The Inevitable


How to Plan for the Inevitable
Your Complete “When I’m Gone” Planner. Organize Your Final Thoughts, Wishes, Business Affairs, Documents, and Other Important Assets.

Do you want to organize your estate and properly plan for the inevitable? Do you want to leave your family and friends a roadmap of your wishes? Now you can rest easy, knowing that your family will be prepared!

Death is inevitable. That may sound slightly morbid but it is a fact that it will come to each and every one of us. Because we accumulate certain things in life, like property, money, jewelry, art and other valuables, it is important to make sure that when that time comes your family will not have the added stress of working everything out and looking for things that may be difficult to find.

This book provides you with a space to carry out estate planning and create a financial record, so that in the event of your death your friends and family have access to important information like:
- Personal and family details
- What should happen with pets
- The location of important documents
- A list of your financial assets and liabilities
- Memberships and charities you belong to
- User logins and passwords
- Funeral arrangements and your wishes
- Letters and last words to loved ones
- And more…

This planner provides handy tips and reminders that will assist you in preparing for what will eventually come. It is perfect for anyone who wants to be organized when it comes to finances and can be updated and changed as circumstances dictate, meaning that your family will potentially avoid the difficulties and misunderstandings that can often arise in times of distress. Scroll up and click Add to Cart for your copy now!

Disclaimer: This planner is not a legal document and does not replace a valid will. It is meant to be used as a guide only.

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