Sunday, September 4, 2022

The Wishing Garden


The Wishing Garden

 A wish is a living thing that when carefully tended just might grow into a lifelong friendship. This is a story about a young boy Colby who desperately wishes for a dog of his own. He's shocked when his Momma suggests he plant his wish in the garden if he wants to see it come true. After careful tending he's surprised to see a wish tree growing where he planted his wish and a new puppy Riley run into his life, who quickly becomes his best friend. As we watch Colby and Riley grow up and their friendship strengthen through time, the wish tree continues to grow through all stages of the two friends' lives. But the day comes when Colby must say goodbye to his old lifelong friend Riley. When one day Colby's daughter wishes for her own puppy, Colby suggests she too plant her wish in the Wishing Garden. The circle of life completes itself and wishes continue to come true as the Wishing Garden blooms for another season.

Click here to get The Wishing Garden on Amazon / Kindle

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